
How do you make money properly in this game?
I always seem to just kill sea raiders and sell them off as slaves and sell their loot, but this doesn't really give me a lot of cash and is boring and repetetive.
I have also tried to raid caravans after hearing about people bragging about 4-5 k in loot from them. But I rarely get more than perhaps one piece of velvet if I'm lucky. Usually it's just wine and some oil.
Looting villages has tended to give me some loot, but this usually pisses of my companion.
Village / Castle tax is just lame and never more than 300-400 which is less than half from what I can earn from attacking sea raiders.
Arena battles may also give me about 1k but are boring and repetetive.
My looting skill isn't more than 2-3 but I've heard that it doesn't help loot from enemy armies...
So what am I doing wrong? why can't I afford lordly plates for my companions? :/
I always seem to just kill sea raiders and sell them off as slaves and sell their loot, but this doesn't really give me a lot of cash and is boring and repetetive.
I have also tried to raid caravans after hearing about people bragging about 4-5 k in loot from them. But I rarely get more than perhaps one piece of velvet if I'm lucky. Usually it's just wine and some oil.
Looting villages has tended to give me some loot, but this usually pisses of my companion.
Village / Castle tax is just lame and never more than 300-400 which is less than half from what I can earn from attacking sea raiders.
Arena battles may also give me about 1k but are boring and repetetive.
My looting skill isn't more than 2-3 but I've heard that it doesn't help loot from enemy armies...
So what am I doing wrong? why can't I afford lordly plates for my companions? :/