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Just to make things clear: I'm not complaining on M&B Warband, although I think it is highly addictive and keeps me playing in the middle of the night  :lol:

This is RAGE!

I've been spending hours conquering a castle and filling it with really good soldiers and I lost it! Damn Vaegris! Lost money, friends and now I'm back to the beginning, with some scarce recruits afraid to Sea Riders  :shock:

What's the best bunch of soldiers to train now?

I was thinking... Swadian cavalry, Vaegris archers and Nords infantry... will I get my revenge then?  :cool:

I just lost a castle when it was surrounded by 7 100+ parties of my allies. After I was taken prisoner these same allies decided it would be better to retreat into the direct center of our territory to regroup with the one guy who wasn't with the army instead of dispatching the weakened party of 25 Rhodoks slowed down by loads of prisoners and loot that was walking straight through the middle of them. When I was finally released I realised I had lost my Warhorse, my 10k+ armour.


Its even worse becausce it wasn't actually my fault, this has caused me to totally renounce realistic saving mode.

I had 80 men, nord huscarls, mostly, in realistic mode. I was looting a village when king yaroglek came with 3 of his lords. They pwned us, They took some spice, food, a 20 000 po armor and let me naked in the tundra.
Realistic saving mode is the most difficult option you can set... there is no place for mistakes... but that's the beauty of it  :smile:
Egalmoth said:
Realistic saving mode is the most difficult option you can set... there is no place for mistakes... but that's the beauty of it  :smile:

I'm stubborn and will try again, maybe with different troops from different factions... but next time my RAGE might cause devastating consequences...  :evil:
Bears said:
It's a game that is supposed to be difficult, get over it.  :evil:

Hey, I'm totally ok with that.
I like pain.
Well, maybe not ( then it sounds gross ) . But I love mount and blade.
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