SP - Battles & Sieges Radial-menu binding for battle commands & formations

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We all know that battle commands are just something that we should get used to, but we know that there isn't a way to add more commands without drastically changing keybinds. For example, I'll want to set everyone to charge: Simply press an unbound number, f1, f3. Cool.

But what if you wanted to add more battle formations? Or you wanted to add different AI commands that we seem to only have access to when using f6? I want to be able to...
  • ...set my cavalry to protect both flanks without pressing f6; sometimes they just start advancing when listening to sergeants.
  • ...let my archers skirmish, rather than either full charging or running to max missile range. Keep your distance, but don't full retreat and stop shooting arrows.
  • ...command my cavalry to loop and charge the enemy archer line, not the shield wall.
  • ...pick which target my units will focus, rather than hoping archers target the archers in the back, only to never, ever do that.
To be able to do something like this, I think we'd need a new system. There's only so many keybinds we can use to command battles. I'd suggest something like OPie, a mod from World of Warcraft. Check out this little video which shows how this streamer uses OPie. TL;DR: He sets one bind for important things, and lets his mouse direction choose the action he wants to do. This reduces the amount of keybinds you would need for battle formations, but allows for more formations or commands to be added. Here's how something like this could work in Bannerlord, without using multiple keybinds.

1. I press some keybind. For WoW, I use tilde. This menu pops up.

Now I can move my mouse up to select infantry, down and to the left to select cavalry, and down and to the right to select archers. If I let go at any of those points, it will simply move the selected group into position (maybe it'll bring up the flag, or will be based on where the mouse is). Sure, thats just 1 -> f1 -> f1. But wait there's more.

2. I hold my mouse at the top of the radial menu.

As I said, by default, it will just put the infantry in some position. If I hold it there (in WoW, its like 250ms or something like that), then another menu pops up. I can either let go and the menu will do the default command, I can scroll the mouse wheel to cycle through the sub menu, or...

3. I use my middle click, and that changes the radial menu.

As soon as I use my middle click, the initial menu disappears and the top menu becomes the new subject. From here, we can nest even more. This menu acts exactly like the main one: If I move my mouse towards any icon and let go of the keybind (again, on my keyboard this is tilde), then the game will perform that command. That is, I press and hold the tilde key until I find the choice I want to use (using the scroll wheel, middle click, and mouse movement to navigate), then let go of the tilde key when I've chosen an action to be performed.

A system like this is dynamic, easy to use, and allows for expansion as more complex battle formations and commands get added to the game. That is, even if you're planning on adding more. And even if you aren't going to, the current system leaves a lot to be desired. Even if we probably won't use it...

...a lot of expansion can happen from a radial menu. (Though I know the picture is...yeah that's too much). I'd suggest looking at the videos linked above to see more on how this system works in action. Or better yet, I hope someone the devs know plays WoW and can try out this addon. It's really intuitive and a good QoL addition.
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