Quiver inventory slot

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I think it would be great if you, instead of having arrows in your 'hands' (weapon slots) you would have a special 'back' slot for quivers and stuff.

Keep up the good work with this already great game.
As it is, you don't have four weapons equipped simultaneously. it is assumed that you have them strapped on your back or something, even though they aren't visible
The whole inventory system should be redone, the one we have now allows silly weapon combinations, although I don't think just having a quiver slot is taking it far enough. I think there should be specific slots for each place where stuff could be carried like they had in old crpg:s like Ultimas and the like.
I like the freedom to be able to equip four 2h swords or one heck of a lot of rocks.
Personally what we really need is a diablo-like inv system for what items we bring into battle.


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Different Shield Size:

2 Handed Sword:

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Bow/1 Stack of Arrows:

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I'm sure there would have to be a few balance issuses worked out, (mainly the number of arrows in a quicker), but I think in the long run it would be a better way to go, sure you could still carry two lances, but beats the 4 you could carry if for some reason you wanted to now.
I'm sorry to keep doing this, Jhaerik ... but again ... how would doing that add anything to the game?

It would prevent someone from being able to bring four lances to a fight, but noone is doing that (I hope :razz: ).

It would however, be quite an advantage to archers as they would be able to carry an extra set of arrows.

The diablo-style system isn't really any more realistic than the M&B one, in my opinion.

Simple doesn't always mean bad. M&B's current system isn't 'ultra-realism epitomized' ... but it is simple and it works (well).

Hehe, NP Narc.

Think you actually skipped reading a part,

I'm sure there would have to be a few balance issuses worked out, (mainly the number of arrows in a quicker),

Basically lower the number of arrows in a stack, no biggy.

Well the thing is I just don't see how it's possible to carry a lance/shield/Bastard Sword/SoW combo. I mean would it not be more than a little awkward?

By Diablo like I just mean for a referance, it would only be for the equip slots, not for inventory.

I also didn't intend this for a must fix top priority thing, I think it would add just a bit of polish for the full version.

Even minor things like str/inv management could effect what you could carry into battle in a very minor way. Not to the extent to overpower archers though, ya could actually might it slightly harder to carry as many arrows as you can not toward the beginning.
Fell free to say anything you wish Narc, you make good points, and we all want M&B to be a good as it can possibly can. :grin:
I actually did miss that. :oops:

I agree that it isn't realistic to carry a lance/shield/bastard sword/sword of war combo.

I like realism (URW is great fun) ... but I also enjoy having a game and not worrying exactly where I pulled that great lance from, after I stole a bandit's horse. :shock:

It is impossible to make a game realistic ... especially in regards to carrying ability. I just don't see how adding a few more restrictions on ability to carry things as valuable in this game.

While you do make some valid points, and I realize that you don't think this is an urgent, needed change ... I just don't feel that it is needed at all.

I once considered a system like Jhaerik's myself, but figured that too many things would require changing. The taking of items into battle could be limited simply by some simple restrictions for your weapon slots eg. only one slot can carry a polearm (hands), two slots can carry a shield or 2 handed weapons (hands, back) and so on. This would require assigning the slots to certain parts of the character, but that shouldn't be too difficult, and as an additional feature, this would enable the possibility of having the equiped weapons be displayed on the character, which I would find nice.
There was some discussion about the idea here, although I proved not to be quite as clear as I would have liked.
Ye kelpo, your suggestion was potentially good but you didn't explain it well unfortunatly. (and also you only had 2 back slot :razz: )

The way i see it now, all the weapon in the game are carried *on your back*, which actually isn't as far fetched as i originally thought.
The only problem is maybe with carrying polearms and more than two shields.
And seeying your entire arsenal is always sexy :
Yeap it's cool.
[nitpick]But in Rune you only saw 1 weapon/weapon type (1 sword, 1 mace, 1 axe). Not the whole arsenal. :wink:[/nitpick]

And yeah, I'd like the system to be something like Kelpo said. It might give some use to "lesser" weapons.
svart said:
Ye kelpo, your suggestion was potentially good but you didn't explain it well unfortunatly. (and also you only had 2 back slot :razz: )
Actually I recall only having one and I still stand by that. Not so much for realism, but because we can't be having too many slots and I really like the 2 belt slots better than multiple back slots.
svart said:
The way i see it now, all the weapon in the game are carried *on your back*, which actually isn't as far fetched as i originally thought.
Maybe not that far fetched, but it would still look silly if your entire arsenal was carried on your back and even your 1 handed swords or arrow quivers wouldn't show up hanging from your belt. (Historically arrow quivers were more often carried hanging from belts than on the back, at least according to wikipedia)

svart said:
The only problem is maybe with carrying polearms and more than two shields.
And seeying your entire arsenal is always sexy :
Those and carrying more than 2 2-handed weapons or more than 2 (cross)bows. And most arousing indeed it is.
Well, if we wanted to go extra realism... you could only carry 1 lance, but you'd have a little troupe of squires and pages carrying the rest for you and would resupply you when your lance broke (a common occurence, I don't know).

Having the battlefield chest mitigates this to some extent. My suggestion would be to add a banner graphic to the battlefield right over your chest. That way, it might be a bit easier to find your chest after riding all over creation and back again. I don't know about you but on some maps I get disoriented and forget where that chest is. On other maps, like the Steppe, I confuse the brush with the chest and end up having to stroll around the general area trying to find it.
jrawlings said:
Well, if we wanted to go extra realism... you could only carry 1 lance, but you'd have a little troupe of squires and pages carrying the rest for you and would resupply you when your lance broke (a common occurence, I don't know).

Having the battlefield chest mitigates this to some extent. My suggestion would be to add a banner graphic to the battlefield right over your chest. That way, it might be a bit easier to find your chest after riding all over creation and back again. I don't know about you but on some maps I get disoriented and forget where that chest is. On other maps, like the Steppe, I confuse the brush with the chest and end up having to stroll around the general area trying to find it.

I gotta agree there, and also about the squires (i suggested in a recent squire thread, that they would carry banners for the same reason :razz:)
Also i think planting lances on ground and being able to pickup weapons is a must before a more realistic equipment will be implemented ... wait didn't i say that already ?
I wonder if a squire would even be that complicated to code into the game. Basically he could just be a zendar_chest that's coded to 'follow me' no matter what, kinda like the Luggage in Discworld.
Hmm, those are some very good points guys.

How about simply changing the last of the weapon slots to being the only one that can hold a 2 handed Melee weapon. Ya I know this is a rather minor thing, but it would have almost no inpact on gameplay, and would add just a bit of realism.

For shields, personally I don't really see why you could not carry 2 of them.

Flame me if you want, but always for the good of M&B. :grin:
I do not see any problems with the current system. It allows freedom, and causes players to think what it is they would need in a fight. Personally I don't use shields, just so i can carry a lance, a 2hander and a bow. (find it most optimal since I can do couched lance when on horseback, shoot from far, use 2handers when close range for more speed and if my poor horse gets killed 2hander is alot better than lance)
Somebody else may want to use a sword with shield, a lance with shield, and a mace with shield (for 'bring prisoner' mission, so they can slash, stab, and bash when nessesary)
Others may wish to go full time archers, so they would carry a bow with 3 stacks of arrows, or 3 quivers. (I'm sure they don't actually hold the 27 arrows in their hands)

Variety, very straight forward and easy to use, and at the same time lets you decide what it is you need. I mean in real life, if you have a quiver strapped to your back, but remove it, you can strap something else in its place right? So having additional slot will either remove that possibility, or give an extra quiver, which is just as well adding additional slot. I'm against the whole idea personally...

As for the current 4 slots, I believe that 1 is on the back, 2 are on the belt, and the last is in your hand ::smile: so nothing unrealistic or impossible about that in my oppinion ::smile:
An quiver slot would be nice so I could have a bow,lance,sword and shield. But at the same time this gives you the best of everything and would make players think less about who their character is. If a bow only took up one weapon slot (with the arrows in the quiver) why would anyone choose a thrown weapon ?
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