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I have a question regarding armor and shield size ratings. At what point armor stops being considered "light" and becomes "medium" (gambeson) or "heavy" (mail)? I'm looking for the specific numbers because I'm doing a bit of an overhaul for my Viking Conquest and rebalacing things to fit my taste so I'd really like to know how far can I go before a light armor gets the "medium" armor rating or a gambeson gets the "heavy" rating and penalties that go with it. The same applies to shields - I want to know at what size does a shield become "light" like those square and H shields which have no plenalties attached to them.
Do you mean like an algorithm that automatically sets them as 'heavy' or whatever based on stats? It doesn't work like that, they're set by ranges in module_constnts.py:
#para negativos equipamiento chief habilidades
desnudos_begin = "itm_pictish_painted1"
desnudos_end = "itm_picts_hoodtunic_03"
armadura_pesada_begin = "itm_mail_shirt"
armadura_pesada_end = "itm_burlap_tunic"
armadura_pesada2_begin = "itm_addon_mail4"
armadura_pesada2_end = "itm_trophy_norse"
armadura_media_begin = "itm_gambeson1"
armadura_media_end = armadura_pesada_begin
yelmos_pesados_begin = "itm_briton_helm"
yelmos_pesados_end = "itm_crown1"
escudos_pesados_begin = "itm_wooden_shield"
escudos_pesados_end = "itm_tab_shield_small_round_c"

If you mean how did the devs decide which armours etc to place in which categories...no idea.

Anyway, this discussion is probably better continued in the modding QA thread in the VC modding section.
kraggrim said:
Do you mean like an algorithm that automatically sets them as 'heavy' or whatever based on stats? It doesn't work like that, they're set by ranges in module_constnts.py.

If you mean how did the devs decide which armours etc to place in which categories...no idea.

Anyway, this discussion is probably better continued in the modding QA thread in the VC modding section.

Ah, I think I understand what you're saying. All of the armors in the game have already been categorized as light, medium or heavy and changing their stats does not affect their category. I have fiddled around with stats on a Common Gambeson and after testing in game it still had a "medium" rating with 42/24 body/leg armor, 10 STR req and 16 weight. I guess that if I made a new item it would not be put into any category regardless of stats because it's not defined in "module_constnts.py"? Every day I keep thinking I should just put Morgh's Editor to rest and start editing stuff properly in the module system. I gave that a try before but I quickly chickened out because it's not as...easy to look at like Morgh's Tools.
I defended my fort against horde of enemies, 1000+ troops, and now I have more than 200 prisoners in fort. How can I sell them all? I mean taking 30-40 prisoners, go to near town, hope there will be slaver, then go back repeat, seems to me as time wasting idea.
Some places will always take slaves, though usually at a lower prices. Salt mines (maybe some quarries too?) will always buy guys during the day. Norse port towns I think have a slaver guy standing around somewhere.. Either Cirren Ceaster or Cippenham have a slaver in the tavern permanently.

Remember after you have the prisoners in your party you can then put your troops back into the garrison to travel faster. Bit cheaty though.
kraggrim said:
Remember after you have the prisoners in your party you can then put your troops back into the garrison to travel faster. Bit cheaty though.

I actually never understood why it's possible to this day :smile:

Not that I'm complaining (as I'm not using this "cheat" that often), but if you do that, there should be some chance that some prisoners can escape. Just role-play thingy :wink:
Tordiato said:
I actually never understood why it's possible to this day :smile:

altho the game design tries to prevent exploits, there is always players that try to break the system. That is a form of cheating. But as this is a SP game and easy to cheat anyway (console, cheat menu, mods, tweaks, savegame editor, etc) I don't see a problem. As it is your decision.

think of the manpower invested trying to fix all small exploits. That time is wasted as it could be used for new cool features. Only players that cheat the game will benefit from exploits, while all players have access to the new toys.

a common example for Warband (and mods):
1.a) Player says no to cheating, so he/she won't use the inventory cheat to get money
1.b) Same player asks for a quick trading route that gives tons of money in 30 min. Someone shows that player a exploit where you can make 100,000 coins in 30 min, while on normal gameplay you should be making only 5,000 coins.
1.c) Player spends couple hours and now has 200,000 coins

2) other player spends 2 min to import/export his character and also has 200,000 coins

same result

this is just a personal opinion, but you did ask  :razz:
Tordiato said:
kraggrim said:
Remember after you have the prisoners in your party you can then put your troops back into the garrison to travel faster. Bit cheaty though.

I actually never understood why it's possible to this day :smile:

Not that I'm complaining (as I'm not using this "cheat" that often), but if you do that, there should be some chance that some prisoners can escape. Just role-play thingy :wink:
I'm still trying to understand why you call that a cheat :roll: or maybe I don't understand what you're talking about in the first place?
erennuman_mb said:
I'm still trying to understand why you call that a cheat

game rule: number of prisoners in you party is directly related to your number of troops (soldiers)

exploit/cheat: remove troops after you took the prisoners, so you can move faster/pay less wages/use less food/etc while travelling with the prisoners

game could prevent you from moving, or force a prison break / revolt, etc, or ignore the fact the player is cheating
game could prevent you from moving, or force a prison break / revolt, etc, or ignore the fact the player is cheating
remember those prisoners revolting and forming masterless men bands? In my code the player's party is subject to the same rule as any other party on the map, sadly it didn't make it to the actual game itself.
If there's too many of those type of masterless men bands does it stop the generation of the normal ones (faction troops)?
kraggrim said:
If there's too many of those type of masterless men bands does it stop the generation of the normal ones (faction troops)?
probably since it counts the parties
I'm nearly 2 weeks in on a story mode game. I've done 3 Lord quests so far (messenger, tax collecting and finding the murderer) and I suddenly cannot even ask any Lord if they have work for me. The option is just not there.

It's been a long while since I've played this, so I'm not sure if this is working as intended. The barkeep has even told me that the local lord is concerned about a bandit hideout, but I cannot ask that lord about work.

It's common for a lord to tell me there is no work available, but I've never not been able to ask the question, unless I have already turned work down.

Has anyone encountered this?
kalarhan said:
Celticfury3 said:
why the Irish and Britons don't have tier 5 troops

short answer: factions are not created equal. Each one, in special different cultures, requires that the player learns a new playstyle as the troops are different (more or less cavalry, skirmishers, archers, spears, swords, etc).

there is also the historical factor and gameplay balance reasons behind the troop tree design.

if you want to change it visit the modding section. If you want to discuss the variation by culture visit the lore section. If you want to discuss game balance create a new thread for that.

I suppose I wasn't clear in my inquiry. I'm none too concerned with the fairness, or unfamiliar with factions in a game not being the same, but what I am wondering is what the thought process was and historical precedence in having all the factions have a more elite part of the troop tree except the Irish and Britons. Thanks :smile:
Celticfury3 said:
ll the factions have a more elite part of the troop tree except the Irish and Britons.

already explained if you re-read the post. If you want discuss the lore reasons you can create a thread on the lore subforum.

this one is for quick/simple answers, not a lengthy discussion on topics.
Irish and Britons

because they didn't really have any heavily armored troops. Britons were kicked out from the best places so their lands were really poor. Irish heavy troops development is purely Viking, but mostly Anglo-Norman influence, which came at a much later date. That's a short answer.
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