Quick Question.

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Is this supposed to work this way? It doesn't seem right if they don't. All the other weapons have a "power" modifier.

I wondered why my 8 power draw archer got less damage with a sniper crossbow than with a war bow. I thought it had to do with weapon proficiency since she had a 350 bow and only 150 crossbow proficiency. This would explain it though.
Effidian said:
It doesn't seem right if they don't.

Why not? Would you expect a handgun to do more damage when fired by someone with more strength? You're not the one holding the string back.
Keeping both with realism and balance, there should be a similar skill for the crossbow that decreases reload time. Surely a stronger person would be able to pull back that string or whatever to reload it more efficiently. Say...3% per skill level or something, nothing overpowered, but something to keep the bow from being 10 times better than the crossbow later in the game.
Mehrunes said:
Effidian said:
It doesn't seem right if they don't.

Why not? Would you expect a handgun to do more damage when fired by someone with more strength? You're not the one holding the string back.

As DaLagga pointed out, it doesn't necessarily need to increase damage. There should be something for crossbows. The loading speed increase seems like a good idea.
DaLagga said:
Keeping both with realism and balance, there should be a similar skill for the crossbow that decreases reload time. Surely a stronger person would be able to pull back that string or whatever to reload it more efficiently. Say...3% per skill level or something, nothing overpowered, but something to keep the bow from being 10 times better than the crossbow later in the game.

Not necessarily. Crossbows were designed to allow anyone to load them with comparitively little training or strength needed. There were a number of designs, but the common theme was that as the string was under so much more pressure than a standard longbow, no human would have been able to manually load one.

The crossbow actually overtook the longbow on the battlefield and became dominant simply because of its awesome power, accuracy and lack of training required to operate one. It took years to learn how to fire a bow accurately, yet a matter of weeks to train someone to use a crossbow.

The crossbow was a deadly weapon because you could learn how to use it much faster than a life time of longbow training. But it was something that knights hated with every fiber of their being. So don't get caught.
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