Quick question about scene editing

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I want to add a quest to my game, you should protect a castellan family against soldiers from his rival, and I would like to do an empy field with a house and very small palisades. But I don't know how to start a new empty field, is that posible?
Basic information on scene editing is in my tutorial.  I do it with an indoor scene, but the same can be done with an outdoor scene.
Oh, I didn't know it covered scene editing, thanks jik.

edit: I want to do a scene for a quest where you have to defend a castellan family, what entry points should I use to a battle scene? (I will also look at custom settlements)
well, i have a quesion :grin: what should i do to have like "enter castle" on a door? plz tell me, is it a passage? if it is how do i use it?
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