Quick and Dirty collision mesh BRF Maker

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Ok, until Lurb can deliver his shiny new collision mesh maker, here's a quick stopgap measure that will allow you to make collision BRFs.


Instructions: download and unzip into any folder you like. Run the batch file and it will create a brf specified by you in brf_data.py.

Documentation on the BRF format is included as comments in brf_data.py, as well as here:


Examples and tutorials will be forthcoming at a later date.
Great work with this and the docs, strange no one has been playing with this.

Your work should be useful, since I don't think Lurb had finished figuring out the collision mesh format.

Keep it up :smile:
Thanks Thorgrim! Actually Lurb had figured out everything except for the Sphere, Capsule and Manifold object in the brflib; wouldn't be surprised if he already knows how to use all these but just hadn't coded it yet. 90% of what I know came straight from the brflib source, it's good luck for us that he left that available before he got ill.

I'll make a tutorial on Thursday; out of town until then.
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