Quests/Trades and Soldier Production

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Cities produce soldiers and peasants according to what? When i go to the tavern of a city i find some peasants and soldiers to be hired. But how fast they are regenerated?And..
Do accomplishing quests (supplying armor,equipment) and trading (buying/selling items) improve the soldier production of a city? When i walk around the tactical map i see vaegrian farmers/scouts/caravans/war parties patrolling. How they are produced and how can i improve them?
The AI groups on the map are generated from spawn points at fairly regular intervals. River pirates come from their spawn point where the river and ocean meet, for example. There is no way for you to improve them, except for that when your level goes up, their groups will have more soldiers.

Quests and trading have no effect on the overall world.
So it should be a suggestion they have effect on real world map. This way quests and trades will become more meaningful.
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