Quests not worth doing anymore?

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The quest experience rewards have been toned down quite a bit... In my humble opinion, quests are not worth doing anymore. Neither money nor experience wise...

Previously, the quests used to be a useful tool to level the character and the heroes up more quickly. Not anymore... You get more experience killing a couple river pirates than escorting a caravan across half the map.

On another note: could it be that the quest experience rewards got toned down by mistake along with the overall economic rescaling? I mean: a spirit charger used to cost 35,000, now it costs 3500... A quest used to pay 600 and more dinari: now it pays 60, suggesting a scale factor of 10.

A player used to get 600 experience (or thereabouts) per quest: now we're getting 60... It seems, the same rescaling factor has been applied as for the economy. However, kills give the same experience as before (killing one river pirate gives 32 points in experience, for example).
I don't think this is a bad thing. I always thought those simple quests gave too much experience.

My opinion - combat should give experience, those delivery/escort quests should simply be about earning some spending money.
yeah you could get 500 exp easy for delivering a bunch of barrels of wine, etc to some tavern a couple of towns away. Too easy too level up in early stages. Now you gotta fight (literally) for exp.
Simply now, they are not worth doing for any reason: no experience, no money... Why have them there at all?
Quests are very profitable in the early game. Just me or me and one or even both heroes with low quality horses easily beat river pirates and can outrun any enemy. So the quests = cheap and easy experience and money in the beginning.
Handel said:
Quests are very profitable in the early game. Just me or me and one or even both heroes with low quality horses easily beat river pirates and can outrun any enemy. So the quests = cheap and easy experience and money in the beginning.

math: killing one river pirate gives the player 32 experience points (killing one mountain bandit - 64); taking a caravan across half the map (much more tedious than killing a couple river pirates) gives the player 50 or so experience points...

so why bother about the quest? kill two river pirates (easily done at the beginning of the game): and you have more xp than from the quest...

by the way, it seems the experience rewards for the river pirates' quest has not been rescaled... could it be: the merchant quests have been rescaled by mistake?
I think that quests are what make the game fun...give you some purpose other than madly attacking everything in sight. I think that quests should give you experience comensurate with the difficulty. For example, a quest where you need to bring 12 warhorses (oh I just got an idea, will post separately) should net you more experience than the deliver 6 salt to zendar. Escorting a caravan across the map should also give you more experience than killing a couple river pirates. At low levels, a caravan quest like that can be extremely difficult and risky with all those black khergits and dark hunters around that can totally waste you.
for one, leveling up borcha and manrid is way slower now... they lag miles behind the player character due to not being able to do any kills at the lower levels. previously, the merchant quests helped to bring them up to par: not anymore...
I haven't had too much difficulty leveling them up thusfar. Granted they aren't level 80 yet, but they seem to level up ok. One thing that helps is that you have to let them get some kills. If you have them rely solely on the XP given at the end of a fight, or from a quest, then I could see that they would level up slowly.
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