Questions from a new player

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Knight at Arms
Hi all,

I just discovered this extraordinary game and I am enjoying it. However, there are some questions that come to mind during game play. I did used search option and found some answers. I am opening this thread for those I cant find useful information. 

I am playing Native expantion 1.011 without anymode.

1. Does looting has any effect on Honor ?

2. Whenever I try to read a book, it says I decide to give up reading for a while because I saw that I cant learn something from it. What this exactly means ?

3. What is the best source of experience in your opinion ?

4. How to maintain party morale ? I think foods has not that important effect on morale. I can only rise party morale by fighting and winning. Is there any other way ?

Thanks in advance.
Hello mate welcome to mount and blade its class aint it!

1/  Looting towns will give -1 honour i think and its a waste of time for money. 
2/ The book reading happens whenever you start camping or resting in towns its automatic once you have selected the book to read
3/ Solo small partys of sea raiders, by solo i mean on your own charge single opponents at the edges of the group and cut them down one at a time tricky as sea raiders throw axes so try not to ride in straight lines for to long.
4/ Morale is affected by food and part size losing and winning and honourable actions dont worry about it to much it kinda takes care of itself.


The Munk
Temuçin said:
2. Whenever I try to read a book, it says I decide to give up reading for a while because I saw that I cant learn something from it. What this exactly means ?
Each book needs a minimum of INT (between 7 and 12 or so), you get that message if your character is lacking in INT. How much INT is necessary is visible when you mouse over the book.

Temuçin said:
4. How to maintain party morale ? I think foods has not that important effect on morale. I can only rise party morale by fighting and winning. Is there any other way ?
Do not forget that the effect of different food adds, otherwise its fighting and winning or reducing party size or increasing the skill Leadership.
Temuçin said:
Hi all,

I just discovered this extraordinary game and I am enjoying it. However, there are some questions that come to mind during game play. I did used search option and found some answers. I am opening this thread for those I cant find useful information. 

I am playing Native expantion 1.011 without anymode.

1. Does looting has any effect on Honor ?

2. Whenever I try to read a book, it says I decide to give up reading for a while because I saw that I cant learn something from it. What this exactly means ?

3. What is the best source of experience in your opinion ?

4. How to maintain party morale ? I think foods has not that important effect on morale. I can only rise party morale by fighting and winning. Is there any other way ?

Thanks in advance.
1.looting villages does not effect honor, only your relations with the village, lord and faction;
2. as mentioned by Berpol. Always make sure you cover the minimum requirement in INT when you buy a book.
3. fighting and winning. all the time. high tier troops.
4. same as 3. I don`t like relying on foods for morale because of the weight of some foods - it can be so much when stacked that it affects my party`s movement speed. So I just get a few jars of honey(the lightest food in the game) and keep fighting.
One way of getting tons of experience very fast is to hunt sea raiders.

1. Get eight companions, which is the maximum I have been able to assemble
without them getting at each other throats, and go hunting sea raiders and
forest bandits.

My usual group is two melee beasts (Alayan and Firentis), two horse archers
(Deshavi and Baheshtur) and two specialists (Jermus the field surgeon and
Klethi the scout)  Depending of what character I play, Ymira can be the
military tactician/trainer/engineer, and Bunduk the charismatic trader.

2. Give them all either lances lances, or ranged weapons.  The armour will
come on its own, as you kill and strip the sea raiders, but weapons you'll
have to buy to get started. 

3. Line up your companions on top of the longest, smoothest, gentlest slope
you can find.  Make sure they are all facing forward.  I do this by having them
hold a position behind the final one, and them asking them to advance.  Be quick
about it, the sea raiders will be approaching fast.

4. Charge the sea raiders, lancing those who stray from the group.  Try to get
them to chase you.  This way, they will spread out, and some will continue towards
your companions.  Deshavi, Baheshtur and whoever else has a ranged weapon
will do some damage.  Once the sea raiders are at the right distance, order a

Start slow, with sea raider groups that you outnumber.  As your equipment gets
better, and the groups grow, you will be getting a lot of experience, and so will
your companions.

Usually, by day 60, my character is level 25+ and my companions level 15+.
At this point, the nine of us easily take 40+ groups of raiders.  It's not always
smooth sailing, but if your companions get knocked out, make sure you have
a masterwork light crossbow and some bolts in your baggage train.  When
things look dire, ride back to the chest, get the crossbow, and kill the remaining
sea raiders by shooting them in the legs.  Slow and boring, but safe as anything.

Doing this you get tons of renown and kings will be asking you to join
all the time.  By that time, I usually have 3 characters with training 7+, and I
join the faction that appears to have the most clue, i.e. that is fighting ONE war,
against a close neighbor (as opposed to, for example, the Rhodocks fighting
the Vaegirs)  If no king is this smart, take a 'peacemaker' quest from the city
of someone who is fighting TWO wars, and end one. 

Chances are, you will be elected marshal in the first election after you join,
because your renown is out of this world.  Time to show these pampered
nobles how campaigns are conducted... and one last hint.  At joining, you get
a village.  Every time you take a castle, ask for it, until you get one.  Use it
to quarter the troops you're not using (i.e. your cavalry when you are taking
castles, your dismounted troops when you are looting enemies for cash, etc...)
Then do not ask for any more castles, until everyone in the faction has at
least one.  Then, and only then, start taking cities, and never fail to ask for it.
Life is so much easier when you have rich cities to pay for your men.

Or you can start your own kingdom. Some people find it more satisfying,
but I think it is too lonely fighting the world on your own.  It's more fun to
have lords and ladies to lead, reward and impress.
The fastest and easiest way to get experience is by doing quests, either for the Guild masters in the towns or for lords. The simpler, easier quests give small (but still sizeable) XP bonuses, whilst the larger ones can give you quite a bit, not to mention the amount of money you draw in. Much easier and simpler for a new player than soloing sea raider parties. :wink:

As to morale, it's the variety of food you have which is important. Having three different stacks of bread will only get you the bonus for one. Leadership and fighting are still the most important though.
Thanks for answers all. (Special thanks to Tuidjy for his extensive answer :smile:)

I recognized it too Moss, some quests from guild masters can give over 1000 experience and sea riders gives 163 for each AFAIK. Party morale thing is get harder and harder while party grows in size. Currently my party size is 85 and I need to fight whatever I found to boost their morale. I usually have 6 different size of food in my inventory but it morale drops it is not possible to raise it with food. It seems the only way is fight.  :sad:

Temucin wrote:
It seems the only way is fight.
yep. That`s what I do. I have only one kind of food(honey, it`s the lightest) and high leadership and fight all the time.
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