Questions Concerning Copyright Laws and Posters

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Sir Lulzalot

Sergeant Knight at Arms
So a local business near me offers a service to make posters from images you give them for a few bucks and I am excited. So I want to make a poster from this but it is part of the portfolio of Art Streiber, who is a photographer. My question is is it legal under copyright laws and all that for me to make a poster from his picture and slap it on my wall? And to build further upon this would it be fine if I did the same thing for movies, bands, etc. This is just for my own decoration, I'm not going to sell it, modify it (aside from resizing it of course)  or use it for other purposes. I can't find anything on the internet about this sort of ****.

Also, would I be able to get away with making that picture into a 27"X40" or something of similar size to preserve the aspect ratio without drastic pixelation?
pixilization occurs at around 150-200%. Its unlikely the DPI is higher than 72. If it were, it could get a lot bigger. 72 is the standard for computer monitors.
I'd say do it. If someone finds out, dispose of the evidence through the mouth, or get rid of the accusers.
I can answer the second question, assuming they're not totally incompetent or resizing with MSPaint.

Aaand after trying a couple of things - Unless they retouch it rather heavily (Doubtful), it'll look a bit ****.

You ARE looking at making it a good 400% bigger. Trying it at 30" while keeping the aspect ratio is better, but it still looks more like a quickly googled picture than a photo with some damn fine contrasting.
Damnit, guess I'll have to keep it small or use another picture. I called them though and they said one copy for personal use is just fine, so that's good.
For YOU to make a poster, it'd be fine. However, paying someone else... that other person IS making profit from something that isn't theirs, technically.

Who's "them," though? The people who make posters? 'Cause they might lie to you for some moolahs.
I think technically they're not using other people's works for profit. They're not going to make copies of the posters and then sell them, they're merely making you a copy and charging you for labor.

Technically. :wink:
I'm going to do the same with this
as a joke. And then these three


one under another, long and wide enough to cover the door to my room.
Actually I had four of these faces and planned putting them in a square, but apparently I deleted the fourth as I can't find it anywhere :neutral:

In case anyone wonders, these were former members of the communist party in one of the Sovjet client states who were qite lietrally removed due to falling from Stalin's favour.
The first one is an actualy propaganda poster.

Holy **** I forgot to resize them before the upload...
Sorry, they're huge. And I mean it, ****ing huge. Will resize them now.

Better now.
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