Questions about TLD modding features

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Don't know if anyone elsehow many of you have been playing TLD (excessiviely), they have quite a few things that I never thought of. So I was wondering if they are 1) possible in Warband; 2) possible without Iron launcher; 3) How they are done.

1) Thunder and lightning.
I thought we could only change light sources in-doors.. Is it done by "add_point_light_to_entity" or any other operations?

2) Moving grass/flowers.
In native Warband, I was under the impression that plants did not move. How did they make the grass move as if it was under the influence of the wind? Is it possible without Iron launcher?

3) New races.
I know this was possible; but to what extent are things possible?
The skeleton has to be the same as the human skeleton, just different scale, right? Then custom voices and animations can be attached to each race? All this has to use the Iron Launcher?

4) Different currencies.
I guess this is possible with an almost complete re-write of a lot of presentations, scripts etc... Right?

That's all for now! Feel free to post your own related questions too.


A couple quick answers:
1) Anything that can be done in M&B can be done in Warband.
2) No, Iron Launcher won't be needed
Swyter said:
Warband Patch 1.127:
~ From this patch your Warband module won't need further more this tool, thanks to the combined efforts of the entire community TaleWorlds has polished that engine limitations and now the Iron Launcher functions are completely embedded natively into the game. Thank you.
2) two words - custom shaders
3) skeletons don't have to be exactly the same as human. You can modify them a little (+scaling). Voices can be attached to race, but not animations. No need for Iron Launcher.
4) need some scripting here and there
Slawomir of Aaarrghh said:
3) skeletons don't have to be exactly the same as human. You can modify them a little (+scaling). Voices can be attached to race, but not animations. No need for Iron Launcher.

So the way how the orcs walk are just... done by the model? I thought it was a new animation.


Also, moving grass is made with custom shaders?? That doesnt make much sense to me :S.
1. Fog :wink:
2. Custom vertex shaders (same principle as waving banners)
3. Different skeletons, but you need to have a) same amount of bones, and b) make sure that stock animations look ok on this skeleton cause you can't have different animations for different races
4. Scripting. Nothing overly complex, just tracking where you are geographically
GetAssista said:
1. Fog :wink:
2. Custom vertex shaders (same principle as waving banners)
3. Different skeletons, but you need to have a) same amount of bones, and b) make sure that stock animations look ok on this skeleton cause you can't have different animations for different races
4. Scripting. Nothing overly complex, just tracking where you are geographically

I see, thank you :smile:.

Btw, TLD is just awesome - in terms of both quality and quantity!
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