Questions About Animals

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Hi my name's Nathan and i would like to know how u stand on Dragonsand bigfoot and dinos.ok now before u answer this i'm a fundamentalist and The Bible metions dragons and Serpent with Many heads and more wild beasts so i'm not gonna be offended about what u say. so r u gonna add dinos to hunt for meat and dragons and sea beasts. etc etc ?
Squints said:
Hi my name's Nathan and i would like to know how u stand on Dragonsand bigfoot and dinos.ok now before u answer this i'm a fundamentalist and The Bible metions dragons and Serpent with Many heads and more wild beasts so i'm not gonna be offended about what u say. so r u gonna add dinos to hunt for meat and dragons and sea beasts. etc etc ?

No fantasy what so ever. If you want dragons and what not you'll have to wait for a mod. There are a few fantasy mods out already, though none with dragons: last days (lotr), dark mod (adds undead), etc.
Squints said:
Hi my name's Nathan and i would like to know how u stand on Dragonsand bigfoot and dinos.ok now before u answer this i'm a fundamentalist and The Bible metions dragons and Serpent with Many heads and more wild beasts so i'm not gonna be offended about what u say. so r u gonna add dinos to hunt for meat and dragons and sea beasts. etc etc ?

Well, I've got to respond to this post. Nathan, I am a Christian "fundamentalist" if you mean fundamental as in believing that the Bible is God's word and believing Jesus is God.

When the Bible mentions dragons, serpents, (and yes, a unicorn or two), you need to realize that you are reading a 1600 King James Version. This Bible version is ok, but mistranslated from the original Hebrew or Greek several words. However, the original Hebrew and Greek texts are readily understood. The best translation for the word "unicorn" is a one-horned ox called a "yare", I believe.

Dragons and many headed serphents are a metaphor, a symbol of the Devil, in the book of Revelation. The whole book uses a number of symbols and metaphors that would be easily understood 2000 years ago, but take some work to understand today.

The Leviathan, or the "sea beast" that you refer to is rarely mentioned and not easily understood. I think the best understanding of this "creature" is as a metaphorical description of the Devil. Read the last 4 chapters of Job and some good, conservative commentaries for more information.

Bigfoot is not mentioned in the Bible. Sorry to disapoint you.

Dinosaurs may be mentioned, actually, but your best bet is to look in Job 28-31 for the behemoth. All I know is the description sure isn't of a hippopotamus, crocodile, or elephant like some translations attempt.

If you feel like discussing the above issues in more detail, I'd be happy to. Just send a personal message, since this is kinda out of place for a suggestion thread. :smile:

As far as Mount & Blade issues:
No, Mount & Blade isn't a fantasy game. You can make a modification to the game to suit your own fancies, but dragons, bigfoot, ect. really have no place in the mainstream game.

-edit: I forgot to add a response to "sea creatures and such."
-edit 2: I remembered to mention "lets take the topic out of the suggestions if you want to discuss it further."
I just want to kill something much harder than just 40 or 60 men ...anything that would put up a fight would be good. i want to hit something besides heads a warship ..war wagons evn big gorillas[ bigfoot] what ever the heck is stronger than me
Why dont you mod a Homer and make him unbelievable fat and slow, so you can hit him twenty days in a row and he still isnt beaten! :wink:

Btw double posts are nasty... and their wont be fantasy things like that in the native game...

And if you can take out all the undeads in darkmod alone... you are a cheater *laughs*
Squints said:
I just want to kill something much harder than just 40 or 60 men ...anything that would put up a fight would be good. i want to hit something besides heads a warship ..war wagons evn big gorillas[ bigfoot] what ever the heck is stronger than me

Go look for the dark hunters, or increase the amount of damage you receive in the options.
Kissaki said:
Squints said:
I just want to kill something much harder than just 40 or 60 men ...anything that would put up a fight would be good. i want to hit something besides heads a warship ..war wagons evn big gorillas[ bigfoot] what ever the heck is stronger than me

Go look for the dark hunters, or increase the amount of damage you receive in the options.

yeah or replace your top of the line weapons with cheaper weapons
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