I have just recently purchased the game and been playing it for the last couple days and while some parts are just amazing fun and addictive other parts of the game seem just really cheap, unbalanced and more or less out to f you in the butt.
So far in my experience, when ever i'm fighting people, 1 on 1 or 1 on 2 or 1 on 8 sometimes anywhere from level 1 to 11 (the highest I gotten a character) the npcs dont seem to be playing by the same rules of reality I am. They run right up in my face and when I hit my attack button my character just sticks his sword up like he can't swing at thier shield. while the npc is just happily swinging away like this seeming law of phyisques doesnt also apply to him. This completely destroys the concept of ground fighting as an entire fight will ensue where I can not swing at all unless they are like 4 or 5 feet away from me.
secondly is spawning encounters. I made a new character I traveled about 100 yards from the very spot I loaded on and was attacked by 20 forest bandits who promptly found me, and killed me from what seemed like 200 yards away with javilans. Is there no range limit the npcs must abide by?
Seems the only time the combat works properly is the training area and while mounted doing hit and runs.
I really enjoy the concept of the game and its enjoyable to play except for the parts mentioned above which from my pov completely destroy the enjoyment of playing, who wants to get thier character beat to death by 20 bandits, 2 minutes after starting? Or have every npc you do fight completely overpower the entire fight and make it so you can't attack? Thats not enjoyable. games are ment to be fun.
So far in my experience, when ever i'm fighting people, 1 on 1 or 1 on 2 or 1 on 8 sometimes anywhere from level 1 to 11 (the highest I gotten a character) the npcs dont seem to be playing by the same rules of reality I am. They run right up in my face and when I hit my attack button my character just sticks his sword up like he can't swing at thier shield. while the npc is just happily swinging away like this seeming law of phyisques doesnt also apply to him. This completely destroys the concept of ground fighting as an entire fight will ensue where I can not swing at all unless they are like 4 or 5 feet away from me.
secondly is spawning encounters. I made a new character I traveled about 100 yards from the very spot I loaded on and was attacked by 20 forest bandits who promptly found me, and killed me from what seemed like 200 yards away with javilans. Is there no range limit the npcs must abide by?
Seems the only time the combat works properly is the training area and while mounted doing hit and runs.
I really enjoy the concept of the game and its enjoyable to play except for the parts mentioned above which from my pov completely destroy the enjoyment of playing, who wants to get thier character beat to death by 20 bandits, 2 minutes after starting? Or have every npc you do fight completely overpower the entire fight and make it so you can't attack? Thats not enjoyable. games are ment to be fun.