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i just bought a game (mount & blade:warband) at bestbuy.... when i try to download some mods for it..... it will not let me play it.... any1 know why? and i downloaded corectly (the mods).......
Most creators of mods are kind enough to explain how they are installed, and for what version of the game it's made for.
Most major mods are easily installed whereas others are resources requiring the module system or other technical finesse.

Here's a tutorial on the basics of installing mods:,12683.0.html

If you still have problems tell us what mod you are trying to install and how you do it, step by step.
Are you using Steam?
You might also have to download the most recent patch for the game in order for certain mods to work. The patches are available on the Taleworlds website.
Installing mods with Steam is not much different,
you just have to remember Warband is in the Steam folder. The path is something like:
steam/steamapps/mount&blade warband/modules

Mods are placed in the module folder and will show up in the drop down menu 'current module'.
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