Question: trigger/simple_trigger that is run immeidately after a game is loaded

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Grandmaster Knight
The short version:

Is there a trigger/simple_trigger/other methods that can run a script/operation block once immediately after a game is loaded.

The longer version:

Attempting to come up with a work-flow that enables auto-upgrading of mod variables/structures/data in existing save-games that will hopefully improve chances of save-game compatibility.  Now thinking of a way to run this upgrading script after every loading of game (new game should be ok since it uses the current mod from the start), so that it can compare some stored global of the last modded version vs the current version, and do white-box upgrading of supported old versions.

Currently, I am thinking of using a trigger with 0 interval and no rearming, but I am not sure whether triggers that won't get rearmed will execute on a game load (as opposed to new game?), as similar trigger (same trigger index but different script content from previous mod versions) may have executed before that particular save-game.

The other alternative is a simple_trigger that executes regularly, but it has the problem of unneeded checking after the first execution.  Also have the problem of not executing before other dependent scripts uses the older mod version's data.

Thanks in advance for any help renderable.
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