Question/suggerstion about weapon choose in Captain mode

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Yesterday during match I've seen that one player ordered his troops to hide shields and brace spears like pikes. So, how is it possible to do, because simple hiding your own shield doesn't affect troops - they just keep holding theirs? Also, didn't find any command for this.
And due to it, it'll be nice, if we could command troops which weapon to choose. Because when you choose mace and veteran perk, for example, troops don't use maces properly.
You can't command them to brace spears. They do that on their own. My guys do it all the time, but only in line, spread or shield wall. They seem to do so when they are not moving, enemy cavalry is near and no enemy footmen are near.

You similalrly can't force weapon choice. They will simply pick a weapon and go with that. I think they go for the highest damage one and ignore all other factors. You have to pick perks so that they don't have another option available to them. If you want them to use maces you can't let them spawn in with axes.
Answer has been give above on spear bracing. Also I was told by my team that AI would automatically choose weapon due to his enemy. For example, a legion with mace and veteran perk will use mace when encounter with the heavy-armed and use axe when face the light-armed enemy.
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