{Question} {request} Notes menu/page

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On the notes menu where you can review your quests etc. I would like to add an option to allow the player to type notes and save them to a text file that the mod will maintain.  I do not want the ability to open existing text files just the player "notebook" file.  to display this I would like it to look just like a quest entry.  to input a note the player will click a new button up by the previous and next buttons at the top of the page (or anywhere that makes sense).  Then the game asks for a title in a small text input box.  this will become the "quest name" and be the text displayed on the list to select the note.  next it will open a larger text entry box, this is where the player can type what ever they wish.  this will be displayed where the quest description would be displayed.  This file does not need to be encoded thus allowing the player to edit it while out of the game. It would just be a formatted pain text file.  with a header symbol that means "quest name" and another that means "quest description"

Anybody know of mod that does this now, or have any ideas how to go about creating it?

Advanced features: 

color the player notes a different color to distinguish them from the ingame quest notes.

allow the player to hyperlink places and characters etc.  just like the game's quest notes do.  (add another header symbol that will notify the game to hyper link the enclosed text)
That pages you're talking about are hardcoded presentations.
You can't modify or interact with them directly because were scripted into the engine's source.

Take a look to the existing ones using the module system. Open
with Notepad++ and see if you're able to use the existing menu widgets for creating a text input that stores your notes into a global variable (or array?). You don't have to/ can't add the text to an external file. Game variables are permanently stored in savegames.

So you shouldn't have much problems about that.
The diary section could be called from the camp menu. But not from one of the existing quest tabs as you intend.

About the linking. The game uses a HTML naming convention for that:
<quest=2>Save the Private Ryan</quest>
<troop=64>Chuck Norris</troop>
Yet again, I haven't tried if that works on the fly. Or is hardcoded.

Maybe my fellow mates can help you a little more better than me.
Enjoy! ;U
The notes window is hardcoded, but its content may be modified during the game. You'll probably want to reserve a couple of string registers in header_commons. Create a presentation that writes to your string register with create_simple_text_box_overlay (see the kingdom name presentation), and then create a bunch of placeholders in module_info_pages. Finally, modify script_game_get_info_page_note, using set_result_string with your reserved registers after checking for the individual placeholders you've added.

Or, you know, you could get a secretary or notepad or something.
Well i have been messing about with the presentations, but i cant find any way to get a "text box" in the sense that i can just type what ever i want in it.  it seems to me the text boxes i can place on the presentation have a set size and once that text box is full, i can't enter any more text.

Does anybody know of a presentation device that will allow me to have a "note pad" type of text entry box?
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