Question - Morale

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Yess : i know at party screen is morale counter.
It will raise with better food, and propably after some win battles...
But what it affects ? Troops fights better ?
Im not quite sure about it..
Will somebody explain it to me ( and sorry if this questions was somewhere else at forum -> i used search option but there was tooo many posts to search) ?

At this point and time, morale hasn't been implemented fully into the game.

As to what effects it will actually have on your troops, noone knows yet.

So I've seen morale as "average", "above average", and "high" is the 0.1 modifier for "high" morale or "above average"?
As the people above said, morale does not do anything/has not been implimented in the game yet, so don't worry it it gets low.

The highest morale i've ever seen is excellent, and the lowest - well, I can't remember.

Morale can be gained (seemingly) by raiding caravans, hiring men, having better foods (dried meat being best?) completing quests, and resting allot at the tavern (and of course, winning battles).
Once, when my party was starving, morale was low and some of my soldiers deserted. That was in an older version however-- .632, to be exact. Does anyone know if this is still possible in version .704?
I would like to know too, I hate the red party has nothing to eat message so I always end up picking up a sack of dry oats or bird seed for the hungry pilgrims when I'm running low on denars. Early in the game. Am I wasting my money?
From my experience, for each category increase in morale, the speed increase by 0.1.
There were a few occasiona when I ran out of food for a few days and the party just went real slow, without any lost of numbers. They only desert if I ran out of money.
My highest morale was "excellent", happened when I gave them meat as food for a long while and winning few battles without casualty. But morale got dragged down once I added some rescued prisoners to my party, or hire men from the inns. I presumed AI parties and new recruits have "average" morale and so lowered the overall morale.
Ok, I like it. I think I've experienced changes in speed too but I didn't realize what was causing it, must have been that big roast beef dinner for the men.
I'm currently leading a company of 35 Swadian Knights and the party's morale is almost always excellent. Give them victories with little to no casualties, good food and a nightworth of sleep each day and they will love you :smile:
Things that definitely affect Morale:
Food Type (Top to bottom Meat +1, Fish 0, Grain -1, have not tested horsemeat)
Rest (as far as I can tell it is +1

Perhaps (no set numbers reported):
Troop Levels (Knights may have better morale than peasants)
Battle Outcomes (Wins vs Losses)
Battle Outcomes (Deaths and Woundings)

Troop compatibility (Vaegirs and Swadians in the same army, Bandits in the army, etc)
Leadership Level

Effects of Morale:
As far as I can tell each level of morale = .1 speed, but I have only checked for the mid-levels of morale.
I have not checked the battle effectiveness of troops with a morale modifier, someone else may have to do that, I think the best way would be to have a certain enemy chasing you, do a feeding change, let them catch you at the same place, and run auto-battles for about 10 times with each morale set. That should show if there is a statistically significant change in battle effectivenes linked to changes in troop morale.

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