Question: Minions

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A good balance between them: My favroite combo is a swadian seargent guarded by a couple of swadian knights, the seargent takes them off the horses so the two knights can pound the snot out of them, as long as I order them to stick together they can handle themselves, meanwhile I'm busy with the majority of the force :twisted:
straight army of swadian seargents is almost unstopable, as long as they dont get seperated and picked off by charges, they can trap calvary while clumped togeter and rape it. the sharpshooters are good too except for a bug that keeps them from drawing there sword/sheild when they get attacked with there bow out.
Hired Blades are quite deadly, though since you can only hire them from Zendar it's pretty hard to raise a lot of them. I have about 10 of them and another 40 Vaegir Knights and Horsemen, the only enemy they have trouble with are Dark Knights. Bandits don't stand a chance against them, I've taken out a group of 60 bandits with zero casualties.
i like to use all vaegir knights and horsemen (or Swadian knights and men-at-arms). I would love to use ranged units, but they miss way too much and do too little damage for their ROF. Also, they have a horrible tendancy to whip out their swords when the enemy gets close, even if there's a wall of infantry and horse between them and the enemy.
I have an all sword-sisters army. It was a pain in the ass raising them... but now that i have 20 or so of them, they are almost invincible. I get angry, really, when one of them gets killed...

they also have a big advantage... when the enemy hits them, i can ear the difference, and come to their aid. :razz:
Vaegir Knights, all the way. I don't know what people are always complaining about. They hardly ever get killed, no matter what we're up against, and they speed up the battles some.

They really like stealing my kills, though.
Tiedye said:
Vaegir Knights, all the way. I don't know what people are always complaining about. They hardly ever get killed, no matter what we're up against, and they speed up the battles some.

They really like stealing my kills, though.

I prefer infantry based units... if not for other reasons, they seem to obey my orders.
Skree said:
I have an all sword-sisters army. It was a pain in the ass raising them... but now that i have 20 or so of them, they are almost invincible. I get angry, really, when one of them gets killed...

they also have a big advantage... when the enemy hits them, i can ear the difference, and come to their aid. :razz:

I'm playing one character that way too: with an all Sword Sisters party.

Agree that it's difficult to get them to elite status, but once there they're tough.

I'm irritated too when one of them dies, because each is a gem.

If only one had the option of their having horses given their riding skills.
am i the only one who cares more about sheilding my troops than using them?

i get to a battle and instantly i tell them to wait there whilst i pop some heads

Raised them from the wombe, there like my children i cant let them die :cry:
I'm all about "training" my troops. I'll shoot a dark knight in the leg 3 times, and have a footman stab him once and bring him down :lol: .
weltonia said:
am i the only one who cares more about sheilding my troops than using them?

i get to a battle and instantly i tell them to wait there whilst i pop some heads

Raised them from the wombe, there like my children i cant let them die :cry:

I used to do that exact same thing. ut just hours ago, I moved from easiest difficulty to hardest. Now, I need them to shield me. :sad:

Might set it to medium. Fast losing interest, now I am no longer uber and my people die like flies. :roll: :oops:
nightrunn3r said:
I'm all about "training" my troops. I'll shoot a dark knight in the leg 3 times, and have a footman stab him once and bring him down :lol: .

I do that to, except I will stand in between my men and the enemies, taking hits for them while allowing them to do all the damage.

This has the added benefit of increasing weapon proficiency... if that works for non-heros...
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