Question and some Issues

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Hey, I've been playing TEATRC since the original Mount&Blade, and it's my favourite mod of them all. Lots of interesting lore and the factions all have their own unique flavour to bring to the table, I love it. However, the Warband version is giving me the ****s.

You see, the main faction I play is Imperial State. That's who my first character went with and I've loved them ever since. I use the standard gunline formation, which is where the problem lies; it now sucks. The guys in the line now love to ignore their orders and run several meters towards the enemy, disrupting the entire thing. They tend to focus on archers much more than the main clump of infantry, which when it's a massive clump of Swadians that would fall like wheat to scythe to a massed volley is extremely annoying. Worst of all is that the enemy (Lords and their equivalents, anyway) *love* to outflank you, which wouldnt be that much of a problem if the line turned with respect to the enemy, which it used to in the original; it still does, but only when they're so close it isn't an issue anymore, and in combination with the archer thing they might not even do it at all. It even does this on Poor combat setting. I'm all in favour of making the enemy AI harder, but at least give my troops a boost too. Does this happen to anyone else? If it's just me I'll reinstall, but maybe Somebody should do something about it if it happens to everyone

Also, a quick question to round this out. Does the Kaiser have a unique weapon? If he doesn't, he should get the Multi-Shot Pistol. That would be sweet.

Thanks  :mrgreen:

P.S. Shrugging Khan, if you read this, don't dis IS! They're more awesome than you  :wink:

AI = AI. I can't do much about it. Try using repeated orders of Hold This Position -> Stand Closer. Their targetting priorities might have changed, and again I can't change that. The Kaiser doesn't have an unique pistol, but he does have a spiffy Pickelhaube though.
Wow, that was quick reply; thanks. I'll give what you suggested a try, but it's a damn shame you can't do anything about it. I suppose more practise as a commander is needed! The Kaiser's Pickelhaube is spiffy (and I'm incredibly jealous  :wink:) but he should still get a unique weapon. He's the only faction leader that doesn't have one! Even some Lion Throne lords get uniques  :sad:
I could, but would rather not spend the time making them fire in formations/volleys/whatever. Anyways, you shouldn't solely depend on the guards - bring some cannoneers to demolish infantry (execute one for incompetence/inaccuracy and pick up his hand cannon if you so desire), and some cavalry to distract infantry from your lines.

And I'm fairly certain the Ormeli and Haelmarian leaders don't get uniques either. Equality doesn't exist in this mod.
IS is for pseudo-german sissy boys! Real men use melee weapons!
Anyways, just quickly giving them an advance! and a retreat! order will cancel each other out, but reset the formation.

I have a Schiavona. It chops and pokes. I'm awesome.
Yeah, I bring Curiassiers as disractions while I get into position, shock troops when we're actually fighting and then to run down the survivors. Cannoneers though I've found wanting, considering that they tend to kill their own troops more often than they blow up an entire formation.

In regards to the volley thing, I would just be happy if the buggers stayed in place and reformed to face the closest threat like a Laurian pike block, and not the 8-10 Arquebusiers on the hill behind them  :mad:

Shrugging Khan: Pssh, you think you're good? The Telltale Mace and I are feared across Calradia for smashing those posh Swadian bastards. Getting them as prisoners afterwards is a nice bonus!
Calradia? You statist lickers will suffocate in the clean air outside your stinking little valley! There's real oxygen out there! Not just the kaiser's recycled farts!

Another way to get them to switch targets, although a little time-consuming, is to tell them to hold fire and then cancel the order a few seconds later, causing a fake volley of sorts. Ought to keep your coward ass covered while real men do greater deeds with choppy chop chop Swords and Axes!
Hah, so you think. We have already occupied half of the "Holy" Swadian Empire already, so you had better start watching your back, lest a bullet from an Elephant Gun be lodged in it.

Thanks for the tips you two, I'll try em all out now. For the Kaiser!
Dead it may be, but the seagull/pigeon thing is a faithful servant of the Kaiser, for it serves him even in death as a goddamn spiffy ornament.
The Kaiser inadvertently angered all the animal rights activists in the whole of Calradia who aren't conscripted, used for target practice or are already dead. He stabbed it with the point of his pickelhaube while eating a pie. By accident. And got bird excrement all over him. And his moustache. Then the Imperial State suffered from a Blitzkrieg attack of dive-bombing kamikaze seagulls and pigeons.
You get used to it after awhile. Plus, the smell wards off everyone except the most determined of invaders!

Stupid Laurians...
Except the Haelmarians because they have really, really strong cheese. Not that they'd be bothered about invading the State.
Well, them too I suppose. But they're on the other side of the world, so they aren't much to worry about.

In other news, I've been having mixed results with the suggestions. Telling them to hold fire and cancelling it once they're back in place works like a charm, and in terms of battles I had two against the Laurians that went perfectly. One, though, had them attempting an outflank but making them run against the border instead! Very weird stuff.

BIG EDIT: On a hunch, I tried another mod I have, Blood and Steel. Despite also being a Warband module, it doesn't seem to have any of the problems I described; enemies do their typical thing, archers are a bit fidgety but tend to stay in place most of the time. I have no idea, honestly.
Map borders are completely bollocks. Seriously. IMHO, battle maps in Warband ought to be a *lot* larger, with a more tactical AI, even if they have to cut the polygons to **** for it to work.
As it is, anything other than going straight for each other's throats in a melee leads to invisible border mongering
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