Hello all, first post and all. great game, bought it a couple days ago and it works marvious.
been playing for a while now (lvl 2 and i wounder, my charater have the usaly 4 slots. but does your companions have that too? i mean if i give them more than lets say 4 sets of throwing axes to one of them ( i never remeber their names subhero types) would they use up all of the axes? that if i give them 5 sets they use all 5 sets.
like wise with weapons, one weapon one shield one bow one set of arrows. if i give him another set of arrows will he use it when he runs out of arrows? or is he also limited to the 4 weaponslots as i am? come to think about it, might as well ask do they USE ammo at all?
i dont know if its just me messing upp and everyting, but i keep missing with my bow, i mean easy shots. i see the arrow on its way, its strait on them, it should not miss, its close enough so the pull against the ground should not matter and still i miss.
this was not the case in earlier levels, right now i have over 200 in bow so its not that. does the aim change when i become better? do i need to change my compromise aiming? is it just me or does some one else have this problem?
on a side note to that, i feel its kinda strange that i hit the shield on the man that rides on the horse when i am aiming at the horse it self. true its just me aiming bad. but when you have more horse infront of you than man... and still you mysterious hit the shield. just what are the hit zones on the horse?
on a side note to that side note (sorry for getting long winded here)
my best shot was with 8.7 difficulty whats every ones else best shot?
well there you have it. sorry for bad english, its not my major.
thanks again for a wounderfull game.
been playing for a while now (lvl 2 and i wounder, my charater have the usaly 4 slots. but does your companions have that too? i mean if i give them more than lets say 4 sets of throwing axes to one of them ( i never remeber their names subhero types) would they use up all of the axes? that if i give them 5 sets they use all 5 sets.
like wise with weapons, one weapon one shield one bow one set of arrows. if i give him another set of arrows will he use it when he runs out of arrows? or is he also limited to the 4 weaponslots as i am? come to think about it, might as well ask do they USE ammo at all?
i dont know if its just me messing upp and everyting, but i keep missing with my bow, i mean easy shots. i see the arrow on its way, its strait on them, it should not miss, its close enough so the pull against the ground should not matter and still i miss.
this was not the case in earlier levels, right now i have over 200 in bow so its not that. does the aim change when i become better? do i need to change my compromise aiming? is it just me or does some one else have this problem?
on a side note to that, i feel its kinda strange that i hit the shield on the man that rides on the horse when i am aiming at the horse it self. true its just me aiming bad. but when you have more horse infront of you than man... and still you mysterious hit the shield. just what are the hit zones on the horse?
on a side note to that side note (sorry for getting long winded here)
my best shot was with 8.7 difficulty whats every ones else best shot?
well there you have it. sorry for bad english, its not my major.
thanks again for a wounderfull game.