Question about weapon slots (and some bow shooting)

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Hello all, first post and all. great game, bought it a couple days ago and it works marvious.
been playing for a while now (lvl 2:cool: and i wounder, my charater have the usaly 4 slots. but does your companions have that too? i mean if i give them more than lets say 4 sets of throwing axes to one of them ( i never remeber their names subhero types) would they use up all of the axes? that if i give them 5 sets they use all 5 sets.

like wise with weapons, one weapon one shield one bow one set of arrows. if i give him another set of arrows will he use it when he runs out of arrows? or is he also limited to the 4 weaponslots as i am? come to think about it, might as well ask do they USE ammo at all?

i dont know if its just me messing upp and everyting, but i keep missing with my bow, i mean easy shots. i see the arrow on its way, its strait on them, it should not miss, its close enough so the pull against the ground should not matter and still i miss.
this was not the case in earlier levels, right now i have over 200 in bow so its not that. does the aim change when i become better? do i need to change my compromise aiming? is it just me or does some one else have this problem?

on a side note to that, i feel its kinda strange that i hit the shield on the man that rides on the horse when i am aiming at the horse it self. true its just me aiming bad. but when you have more horse infront of you than man... and still you mysterious hit the shield. just what are the hit zones on the horse?

on a side note to that side note (sorry for getting long winded here)
my best shot was with 8.7 difficulty whats every ones else best shot?

well there you have it. sorry for bad english, its not my major.
thanks again for a wounderfull game.
I'm not sure about your companions and their weapon slots. But i'm pretty sure they can and will run out of projectile weapons. Second, your bow does become alot more accurate at higher levels, and supposedly the better the bow, the better the range you get. I have noticed that some shots seem to fly right through enemies and not count. Could just be slightly buggy hitboxes (every game has that, the especially when playing online), but i'm not sure. Also, i posted about how when you hit a horse it often hits the guys shield instead. Probably because the shield covers a MUCH larger area than the graphic suggests. Notice how you can't hit a guys feet or anything when he has it up. Its basically shielding a forward 120-150 degree angle or so. Also, if you look waaay back on the forums, there's a post about everyones highest shot difficulty. Mine is 8.2 or something like that. Oh, and welcome to the forums! :smile:
Wildcard said:
Hello all, first post and all. great game, bought it a couple days ago and it works marvious.
been playing for a while now (lvl 2:cool: and i wounder, my charater have the usaly 4 slots. but does your companions have that too? i mean if i give them more than lets say 4 sets of throwing axes to one of them ( i never remeber their names subhero types) would they use up all of the axes? that if i give them 5 sets they use all 5 sets.

like wise with weapons, one weapon one shield one bow one set of arrows. if i give him another set of arrows will he use it when he runs out of arrows? or is he also limited to the 4 weaponslots as i am? come to think about it, might as well ask do they USE ammo at all?

I suspect he only has four weapon slots, but I would like to make sure of this myself. I think it would be good to actually show the weapon and armor slots for the other heroes. In fact, they should only have those slots and no inventory whatsoever.

i dont know if its just me messing upp and everyting, but i keep missing with my bow, i mean easy shots. i see the arrow on its way, its strait on them, it should not miss, its close enough so the pull against the ground should not matter and still i miss.
this was not the case in earlier levels, right now i have over 200 in bow so its not that. does the aim change when i become better? do i need to change my compromise aiming? is it just me or does some one else have this problem?
Hmmm. There shouldn't be anything really different about how you aim. Although I have found that even if you're pretty close to your target, you should aim a little bit above where you want the arrow to go. Other than that, try some target practice on some footmen wading through a river to get your confidence back :smile:

on a side note to that, i feel its kinda strange that i hit the shield on the man that rides on the horse when i am aiming at the horse it self. true its just me aiming bad. but when you have more horse infront of you than man... and still you mysterious hit the shield. just what are the hit zones on the horse?
Yeah, you're right, that is messed up. I hope it gets fixed.

on a side note to that side note (sorry for getting long winded here)
my best shot was with 8.7 difficulty whats every ones else best shot?
That's damn good, I think mine is 7.1--a headshot on a guy on a horse halfway across the map.

Your english is good by the way :smile:
I think the first four slots are for weapons, and I noticed he changes to his favorite weapons to those four by himself when you exits his inventory screen. So if you want him to have more arows, you have to remove some weapons so he only have for example, bow, arrow, arrow and another weapon in his invetory.
DaLagga said:
Oh, and welcome to the forums! :smile:
Why thank you, its nice to be here :grin:
DaLagga said:
I have noticed that some shots seem to fly right through enemies and not count. Could just be slightly buggy hitboxes
while this is true (they do fly trough) it seems to me that sometimes he "shoots" with out shooting, doing the motion but thats it.. ofcourse its becomes rather stressfull when you are hunted by a group of peoples that like to fertile the ground with your blood. i may be wrong, yet again any one else notice this?

Manifold said:
Hmmm. There shouldn't be anything really different about how you aim. Although I have found that even if you're pretty close to your target, you should aim a little bit above where you want the arrow to go. Other than that, try some target practice on some footmen wading through a river to get your confidence back
but still it feel like i have to aim completly diffrent than from before. sometimes i get the actualy feel that the shoot is rising in its lane even if i am not aiming upwards. but have to agree. footmen looks so mutch nicer with a arrow out of their head dont you think?
(and i am still warning you about my english, sometimes my spelling is horrible but thank you)

Lash said:
I think the first four slots are for weapons, and I noticed he changes to his favorite weapons to those four by himself when you exits his inventory screen. So if you want him to have more arows, you have to remove some weapons so he only have for example, bow, arrow, arrow and another weapon in his invetory.
so you are sugesting that the top 4 slots are acting weapon slots? i have to try that one out. but still i wounder if that is his limit of use. sinch he cannot be acessed trough the itembasket as i can while in fighting. would be a nice thing to be able to fill him up on arrows or daggers and surch if he cannot do it himself.

speaking about subheroes (i refuse to remeber their names..) inoticed that they are nice and stay put when i ask them unless they have a horse. had one on a horse another on the ground (bow/crossbow) and made them stay put. the one on the ground stayed with the group while the one with the horse chargen on. then i put the one on the ground also on a horse (changed crossbow to daggers to have a more mobile attack force) and guess what? he got highandmighty on me and started to rush the enemies him too. so, giving them a horse makes them think that they are imortal and gets in the way. (and he is very lucky that he only gets unconsious sinch his brainswould be splatterd all over the battlefield due to a reflex aimandshoot movement.)

and on the regular sidenote
14.4? sheesh... i need to pratice....

tough. max damage with bow at headshot 177 damage. and no... he did not get up afterthat one. sad aint it?
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