Question about serial keys and formatting

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I just downloaded the demo version yesterday adn I'm loving this game! I'm most likely going to buy it but there is one little problem. What happens if I format my computer? Will I simply be able to enter my serial key again and play it or will I have to buy it again? And what about multiple computers, can I install it on my home pc and my laptop?

well i just reformatted and i had misplaced my serial number email, so i asked for it and they sent a new email and i was able to reinstall it, from what i understand, 2 computers can have M&B serial, but i could be wrong. So as to reformatting, you're covered
*Edit*BTW welcome to the forums

w00t first welcome i win everyone
You will recieve an e-mail with your serial number. Print it out and you can format and reactivate any time you like.

You can install and activate it on two different computers every 3 months. Basically, you get 2 activations. Each different computer you activate it on uses up an activation, although you can activate it on the same PC as many times as you like without it taking up an activation slot.
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