Question about serial key and trial version.

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I have a question, which I really really hope somebody can help me with! :smile: I have used the search function, but couldn't find any post wich answer my specific question.

I have purchased and ordered "Mount and Blade - Warband" on a lokal internet shop and is now waiting for them to send it to me. There is just the problem that they didn't have it on stock, so I could wait upto two weeks before I get the game. :sad:

I think it's a very very long time to wait and I was therefor thinking about, that I could just download the trial version on Taleworlds homepage and then play it until I reach level 7 or my game (and serial key) arrive with the mail.

My question is then: Is there any difference between serial keys purchased different places? Specific: Can I use the serial key I get with my game (which I have not purchased here on Taleworlds, but on an lokal internet shop) to activate the downloaded trial version from Taleworlds or can I only use a specific serial key, which I have to buy from the place I download the game from (in this case Taleworlds)?

Really hope somebody can help me with my question, because I would love to start playing as soon as possible, but would also be tired of if I use alot of time to play the trial version and then have to start all over, when I get my own game (and serial key) with the mail.

Looking forward to hear from you and in advance, Thank you very much!!

Best regards
Isn't there anybody who know how the seriel key systems works for games?
E.g. Is a seriel key locked to one specific game or can I use the seriel key from my purchased "Mount & Blade - Warband dvd" on my downloaded trial version from Taleworlds and thereby continue playing on that instead of starting all over and from the beginning again.

Or is it possible to move my saved game and character from the trial version to my purchaced version once I get it and its' installed? I would really hate to start all over, so hope somebody out there have the answers!

In advance! Thanks for taking time to read and answer! :smile:
Fairly certain you can used the hard-copy serial on the Taleworlds-downloaded game. Folks who get a serial from Steam can use that same serial on a Taleworlds copy without issue.

Once you plug in the serial, the "trial"ness disappears and you continue playing.
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