Question about sending quartermaster

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I looked around the forums but couldn't find to much information about how the quartermaster works and was wondering if anyone could clear up a few things

Does it only recruit from your villages, or will it recruit from attached villages that are under other lords?

Does it take into account your relationship with the villages, for large requirements/higher tier troops? 

And a bit of a followup question, do your vassals having villages offer any benefit in their troop numbers?  From what I've found the answer seems to be no
It only recruits from yours, and its only recruits. If you have a training ground, it will automatically train them up, but it will be horridly slow, and its random. You can put in 100 recruits and it can go 50/50 melee or ranged. At least that's how it works for me. Be advised that as long as your Quartermaster is recruiting, all villages attached to you cannot be recruited from and cannot spawn militia groups. However, from what I've seen, if you help your villages out, normally you can recruit when your relations go up, but since you sent your quartermaster out, he takes them instead.
In fact the qm recruits from all villages attached to the respective fief, independent of who owns them. The higher your relations with the respective villages, the more and better recruits you will get.

For instance, I have Ethos as my primary city, handed out all but one village to lords (so they keep dropping nice prisoner piles in my dungeon) and have all the villages on high relation. Sending out my qm for a month usually nets me several hundred recruits, militia and light bowmen.
I like to have my village relations maxed out. At 100 relations, you can get a decent lord-sized army at your base by just sitting there accepting and doing/failing quests for a few days. I even fail the village girl and trading parties on purpose so I can speed up the process. One time, I souped up about 150 mid to high-tier troops when I was about to get sieged by a marshal army, that was when I was an upstart king and had maybe 1-2 lords, so that saved my city.
That siege was also the most epic battle in my playthroughs too, because at the end of the siege there was only me and maybe 6 enemies leftover, so I jumped down the wall, picked up some broadheads, and killed half of them after which I barely won a melee with 3 mediocre troops with an ebony knight sword and no shield.
azenky said:
I like to have my village relations maxed out. At 100 relations, you can get a decent lord-sized army at your base by just sitting there accepting and doing/failing quests for a few days. I even fail the village girl and trading parties on purpose so I can speed up the process. One time, I souped up about 150 mid to high-tier troops when I was about to get sieged by a marshal army, that was when I was an upstart king and had maybe 1-2 lords, so that saved my city.
That siege was also the most epic battle in my playthroughs too, because at the end of the siege there was only me and maybe 6 enemies leftover, so I jumped down the wall, picked up some broadheads, and killed half of them after which I barely won a melee with 3 mediocre troops with an ebony knight sword and no shield.

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