Question about recruiting captured lords (when you have an own faction)

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I have 2 little questions (again ^^)

First, I yust downloaden a new mod, War of Calradia.
It is really fun! And I help to reclaim that Nord guy reclaiming his trown (or how you spell it)
And, is the only way to get lords to ask them? Or when you have them prisoned you can ask them?
If you can, how to?

And, where can I find who marshall is?
If you have already claimed the nordic throne then no to all of your questions.

If still in the process, yes, you just go up to lords and ask them to join your cause. As for the Marshall, you are the marshall until you take the throne.
I didn't take the throne, but I asked already all the other Lords. But when they are prisoned, it can't?
You have to personally go up to them and ask them. Go to the prison guard and ask to go into the prison. Then you can go in, and ask them.
Ahh, you can talk there with prisoners too...
But still, I can't ask them...
There are 2 things of leaving, when I talk to them.
And, they are Nords, I'm sure of that.
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