Yeah, it turned out that Lord Plais was the reason, that rat was hiding some place in the Nordic region. Soon as I found out his whereabout, I dealt with him neatly. Fishing the quest, I was wandering around, readied to be elected as new Marshall. But, after the crowing ceremony of Queen Isola, A NEW PROBLEM AROSE, I received her message indicated that she would like to have me as her vassal???? Confused, I rushed to Suno, confronted her and the new Queen had me swore loyalty AGAIN??, and pleaded with me to help her claim her throne SECOND TIME ??!!!. Another annoying bug, I guest? How can I fix it?
"If you start getting annoyed, you can always enable cheats, then use ctrl+t to find that last patrols' hiding place. :3" ----> Thanks for the tip.
"how do i enable cheats
if there isn't rgl_config file in my installation directory" ----> U don't have to find any rgl_config, just check the "Enable Cheat" option in the CONFIGURE menu.