Question about non-fighting Classe.

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I'm trying to raise a non-fighting character, based on Int and Cha only.

I hope getting money from trading routes, and a good enought army with hight Leadership, surgery etc.

What i xonder for is personnal xp. I plan to win battles without fighting myself, so will i be able to get enought personnal xp to levvel up and get enought skill points to raise my powerfull army ?

ps: What kind of equipment would you recommand for such a char ?
The xp will be quite scarse since every enemy you kill gives 50ish-100ish xp. So I'd advice you to get both marnid and borcha and pump up their training to max. And as for equipment I'd recomend a spirited courser and light armor, perhaps even only clothes, and a bow just to be on the safe side
Experience from things other than fighting is very scarce and it will be a long road to each level.

It would be nice for there to be other advancement paths in the future. Perhaps the mod kit will allow for quest building that focuses on other skills.
If you do a lot of trading missions and escorting you should be ok. I cant really imagine it being a problem as such leveling slowly, marnid and borch well equipped will level faster if you are not fighting yourself. Do you plan on going into battle? I would, just get a fast horse and disorient the first cavalry charge of each wave, to take the pressure off your troops, then just run!!
Get high tatics and leadership, lots of units, and send your troops in without you.

Pick you battles carefuly (and often).
If you're not going to be doing fighting yourself, the trainer skill would become invaluable. Its generally difficult to level those militia without your help, since they die so easily. Training would help remedy this problem, and give you a little exp on the side. More specifically, get marnid and borcha as soon as possible, and get their trainer skills high quickly.
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