Question about Fiefs

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Knight at Arms
Hey Everyone,

I posted this in the Diplomacy sub-thread, however, it doesn't seem I'm getting much of a response or views there, perhaps because my question doesn't pertain to diplomacy (However, figured since I use that Mod with the OSP merge, I thought I would post there first)

But perhaps I'll get the answer to what I'm looking for here instead, basically I'd like to know this about the Fiefs, and how the King grants them to people, as I tried searching for it first, but couldn't really find the answer after sorting through several pages.

Basically, I noticed, how a King will strip a vassal of all it's properties and fiefs, but usually that's the sign that the Vassal is going to leave and join another kingdom. So the question I have, can the AI King strip a vassal of it's fief, but the vassal still remains with the faction? So in other words, there's an opportunity I can get one of the cushier Towns or Cities (That's not near enemy borders) if this happens, as I continue to increase my reputation naturally.

So, Is that even possible or the only possible way to get new fiefs and castles from your king is through what they conquer?

no if the king strips a vassal of it's fiefs. it is because the vassal has Betrayed their king(or at least the king thinks he has, i thinks that their relation with each other has become to low) and the vassal have been forced to flee to keep their life.

the fiefs the vassal had is now free so the king well assign them to other vassal's again so yes you can get some of the fiefs the vassal had.

lostlord said:
no if the king strips a vassal of it's fiefs. it is because the vassal has Betrayed their king(or at least the king thinks he has, i thinks that their relation with each other has become to low) and the vassal have been forced to flee to keep their life.

the fiefs the vassal had is now free so the king well assign them to other vassal's again so yes you can get some of the fiefs the vassal had.

ok thanks, but that's the only way it seems which is what I needed to know. Guess I gotta keep on degrading some reputation of some nobles to get lucky, cause I really need a castle or town. (Not good enough yet to do sieges well, still learning that)
If it gets conquered by the enemy and you go reconquer it, you can get it awarded to you too, but that depends on the luck of the enemy attacking the city you want and winning.
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