QOL - Party management - add this mod to vanilla - Much wow, much value!

Should this mod be in vanilla?

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The mod's general implementation is unusable for us. Moving these options to a popup doesn't make the UX better or go along with the rest of the game. A mod is fine for this but not us.
Yea, better do nothing and ignore it. Understood.

Go along your EA way. Mods will fix the game like the oob UI too. For free...
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Yea, better do nothing and ignore it. Understood.

Go along your EA way. Mods will fix the game like the oob UI too. For free...
I do not agree with you. It is understandable for them to decide according to their plan. You do not understand that you are only giving feedback. You are not deciding, but only show them what they did not. Then if they find it is suitable with their plan, then nice. If not, move on. Wait for their response within the game, and after full release, look at it, and then you can criticize within the border of polite. Your approach is so rude and ugly in my opinion. It feels like you are stuck in time somewhere between warband - bannerlord.
I do not agree with you. It is understandable for them to decide according to their plan. You do not understand that you are only giving feedback. You are not deciding, but only show them what they did not. Then if they find it is suitable with their plan, then nice. If not, move on. Wait for their response within the game, and after full release, look at it, and then you can criticize within the border of polite. Your approach is so rude and ugly in my opinion. It feels like you are stuck in time somewhere between warband - bannerlord.
Stop acting like a forum cop - he’ s not personally insulting anyone but feels the need to express and vent his frustration. It’s not up to you to tell us how polite we need to be. Trust me if this place was all loving, hugging and rainbows we’d still be in khuzait snowball country
Trust me if this place was all loving, hugging and rainbows we’d still be in khuzait snowball country
froggy I swear you just wanna tilt me, you know it was loving, hugging and rainbows that got us out of khuzait snowball country. At least use a example that actually had the community reeeing at them like the armor changes we just got. :iamamoron:
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Yea, better do nothing and ignore it. Understood.

Go along your EA way. Mods will fix the game like the oob UI too. For free...
dude are you always getting that dramatic as soon as things dont go your way? they didnt even ignored you, actually they reached out to you and explained their way. holy ****. can't you accept that there are different imaginations?

it's not like the first time i see this kind of attitude from you. i think criticism is good and very helpful but this is just salt and spit. very toxic.
@Callum @Dejan @Duh_TaleWorlds @Duhk_Tails @MRay

Please TW check out this mod and just add into your base game:

It just improves the party management without changing the overall UI. Players could completly ignore it and would have the same experience as now. But players also could use some rules for a one button press auto sorting, auto upgrading and auto recruiting (prisoners).

No gameplay/balance change, just a very small UI change with a lot of QOL value.

It´s just a win and no downside, much win for everyone.


we need more suggestions like this.

Very gud. Much easy life. Much Bannerlord.
@Callum @Dejan @Duh_TaleWorlds @Duhk_Tails @MRay

Please TW check out this mod and just add into your base game:

It just improves the party management without changing the overall UI. Players could completly ignore it and would have the same experience as now. But players also could use some rules for a one button press auto sorting, auto upgrading and auto recruiting (prisoners).

No gameplay/balance change, just a very small UI change with a lot of QOL value.

It´s just a win and no downside, much win for everyone.


Bump for visibility.
Looks great and ill add it to the game in a few hours.
I think best we can do is sort the troops by their types then their tiers in the extended tooltip. So we don't overcrowd the tooltip even more.

To be honest, I think that there is a point where having a bit more crowding is the lesser evil - being able to sort troops is a very useful tool.
No because it doesn´t work in 1.8.0.

I will never understand how people can be against an option that won´t influence their gameplay in any way and can just be ignored. I also don´t think that TW will need a lot of work to add this mod.

Also it´s more about the auto sorting of the troops and not only about the upgrading. I believe there are a few players who sort their party.

Or at least TW should save the order of my sorted troops so that I don´t have to sort them over and over again, would also be ok.
It’s called a matter of priorities and time management. Features are a zero sum game. If you adding and adjusting one, it’s at the expense of another.

So one could easily say “I don’t understand why people get so butt hurt over having different priorities of what they want see in game”. This is particularly notable for those that have played 1000+ hours. The improvements that player wants to see would often not be on the radar of other players when what is in game is functional
It’s called a matter of priorities and time management. Features are a zero sum game. If you adding and adjusting one, it’s at the expense of another.

So one could easily say “I don’t understand why people get so butt hurt over having different priorities of what they want see in game”. This is particularly notable for those that have played 1000+ hours. The improvements that player wants to see would often not be on the radar of other players when what is in game is functional
Then they should tell or give us an update on what their priorities or time management organization is focused on. All I see are half-baked features implemented in game with next to no depth or QoL from smithing, perks cohesion, rebellion, banditry, generational dynasty, diplomacy, conversation checks, board games, scenes, VA, OOB, etc...that make the bare minimum of just functional and that's it.
Before it's seemingly abandoned through their silence and another feature is tacked on which is where we are at now 2.5 years later from EA release.
froggy I swear you just wanna tilt me, you know it was loving, hugging and rainbows that got us out of khuzait snowball country. At least use a example that actually had the community reeeing at them like the armor changes we just got. :iamamoron:

Ha! Absolutely, this is about the only example where there was data-driven, passionate and extremely constructive feedback with mutual respect between dev and player.

Pouring one out for the homie Mexxxico 👊.
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