
Ok, I'm trying to make a quest that requires one of the heros to show the dialog everytime he is killed.
Pretty much in whole you fight him, kill him, go back into dialog where he gives a dying speech, and the quest is complete and his party is removed from game. Here is what I have.
Here is the code for the spawn and giving the quest.
[trp_nasuada|plyr, "nasuada_help3", [], "Hes as good as dead!",
"close_window",[(set_spawn_radius,7),(spawn_around_party,"p_main_party","pt_maragoth"),(call_script, "script_start_quest",
"qst_kill_maragoth", "$g_talk_troop")]],
[party_tpl|pt_maragoth, "start", [(eq,"$talk_context",tc_party_encounter)], "What are you doing here you skunk!?",
[anyone|plyr, "maragoth1", [], "I've come to slay you!", "maragoth2",[]],
[anyone, "maragoth2", [], "You weak minded fool, you think you can slay me! Ah, this ought to be fun!",
[party_tpl|pt_maragoth, "start", [(eq,"$talk_context",tc_hero_defeated)], "Ugh, *cough* *cough* I guess... This is... How it was
meant... to be... *Dies*", "maragoth3",[]],
[party_tpl|pt_maragoth|plyr, "maragoth3", [(assign,"$maragoth_dead",1)], "Your wrath has finally come to an end...",
"close_window",[(remove_party, "$g_encountered_party"),(assign, "$g_leave_encounter",1),(call_script, "script_succeed_quest",
"qst_kill_maragoth", "$g_talk_troop")]],
For some reason it would spawn about 4 or 5 of his parties, I only want one, and he escapes every time and I never got a chance to test to see if the quest even finishes.
The second problem I am faced with is that one of the blocks is not working. There is a lady named nasuada, she gives the quest, and its made so that once she speaks the very first line there is a condition block. But it does not work. She just keeps giving the quest and giving it.
-- Here is part of what I have *the ones that have the blocks*
[trp_nasuada, "start", [(assign,"$nasuada_quest_give",1)], "Please help us! Go and kill Maragoth!", "nasuada_help",[]],
[trp_nasuada, "start", [(eq,"$nasuada_quest_give",1)], "My scouts tell me Maragoth is still terrorizing the area! Go kill him
now!", "nasuada_quest_given",[]],
Any help would be grealty appreciated!
Pretty much in whole you fight him, kill him, go back into dialog where he gives a dying speech, and the quest is complete and his party is removed from game. Here is what I have.
Here is the code for the spawn and giving the quest.
[trp_nasuada|plyr, "nasuada_help3", [], "Hes as good as dead!",
"close_window",[(set_spawn_radius,7),(spawn_around_party,"p_main_party","pt_maragoth"),(call_script, "script_start_quest",
"qst_kill_maragoth", "$g_talk_troop")]],
[party_tpl|pt_maragoth, "start", [(eq,"$talk_context",tc_party_encounter)], "What are you doing here you skunk!?",
[anyone|plyr, "maragoth1", [], "I've come to slay you!", "maragoth2",[]],
[anyone, "maragoth2", [], "You weak minded fool, you think you can slay me! Ah, this ought to be fun!",
[party_tpl|pt_maragoth, "start", [(eq,"$talk_context",tc_hero_defeated)], "Ugh, *cough* *cough* I guess... This is... How it was
meant... to be... *Dies*", "maragoth3",[]],
[party_tpl|pt_maragoth|plyr, "maragoth3", [(assign,"$maragoth_dead",1)], "Your wrath has finally come to an end...",
"close_window",[(remove_party, "$g_encountered_party"),(assign, "$g_leave_encounter",1),(call_script, "script_succeed_quest",
"qst_kill_maragoth", "$g_talk_troop")]],
For some reason it would spawn about 4 or 5 of his parties, I only want one, and he escapes every time and I never got a chance to test to see if the quest even finishes.
The second problem I am faced with is that one of the blocks is not working. There is a lady named nasuada, she gives the quest, and its made so that once she speaks the very first line there is a condition block. But it does not work. She just keeps giving the quest and giving it.
-- Here is part of what I have *the ones that have the blocks*
[trp_nasuada, "start", [(assign,"$nasuada_quest_give",1)], "Please help us! Go and kill Maragoth!", "nasuada_help",[]],
[trp_nasuada, "start", [(eq,"$nasuada_quest_give",1)], "My scouts tell me Maragoth is still terrorizing the area! Go kill him
now!", "nasuada_quest_given",[]],
Any help would be grealty appreciated!