
- Randoming unarmed is NOT ALLOWED EVER.[list type=decimal]
- Randoming is defined as: killing another player for no reason other than to get the kill
[*]Excessive griefing of unarmed will result in a kick REGARDLESS of whether or not you are a bandit.[list type=decimal]
[*]BRIGANDS CANNOT KILL UNARMED PEOPLE EVER (If at any time they do become armed in the process of you coming into contact then they are open game and you may engage them in combat) -- YOU MAY ROB THEM, KIDNAP THEM, ETC. BUT YOU MAY NOT KILL THEM -- DOING SO WILL RESULT IN A KICK[/list]
[*]All spawn zones and the immediate areas surrounding them are safe zones. Attacking anyone or killing anyone in these areas will result in a kick. If you are excessively spawn killing it will result in an immediate ban.
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[*]Attacking/Killing ONE person will result in a kick.
[*]If, somehow, you manage to kill multiple people as they spawn in an area and are not reported, once we find out you will be instantly banned
[*]Be respectful to ALL players, if you are not you will be given a warning, then a kick, and if you persist in your behavior a ban. Racism will not be tolerated at anytime, calling someone a racist slur will result in a kick.
[*]New Life Rule - When you die you forget about your death and who killed you. You do not have to become an entirely new person, but it is recommended to help roleplay.
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[*]Character Kill - When someone kills your character you are dead forever and must become a new person. (optional)
[*]Revenge Killing - Killing someone for no reason after they have killed you will result in an instant kick.
[*]You CANNOT attack bandits unless they have committed some form of crime that you HAVE SEEN or that a Town Watch has declared them as an outlaw. Brigands are to be regarded as civilians unless they are breaking some form of law.
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[*]Attacking someone with intention of killing, robbing, or kidnapping them is a crime.
[*]If a Town Watch has put up a poster (in global chat they will say "*poster* Brigand so and so committed such and such crime if you see him you may kill him and collect a bounty of X amount of money")
[*]No metagaming - this involves shouting in all chat that there are bandits somewhere and the like. This also applies to people dying - if you see so and so killed so and so, you cannot attack the person who killed the other person UNLESS you have seen them kill that person. Otherwise you must regard them as if they have done nothing.[/list]
These rules are subject to being changed at ANY time. We will change them as the game changes and as it evolves.
The password must be entered in ALL caps and have no spaces.