Put 'em up

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Put 'em up, put 'em uuuuuup! Which one of you first? I'll fight ya both together if you want. I'll fight ya with one hand tied behind my back. I'll fight ya standin' on one foot. I'll fight ya with my eyes closed. (To the Dark Knight) Oh, pulling an axe on me, hey? (To the mountain bandit) Sneakin' up on me, hey? Why, in the name of Zendar...!

I need a challenge. The game's losing its freshness.

How are you challenging yourself? No armor? No ranged weapons. Solo combats? No horses (for you)?
hmm... how bout no armor, no horse, solo, with just a butcher knife? I'ma go try it. i will return with the results.
not pretty. the ability to block is... nice...

maybe once i get my agility and athletics up a bit more
Try tricking enemies into killing each other, or themselves. Thats always good for a screenshot.
I like fighting Dark Knights naked, with nothing more than a handy sickle or knife.
Try killing a group of sea raiders with no armor, no weapons, and only a steppe horse.
I was going pure foot.

I would just hire a lot of peasents and then fight mtn. bandits so they would level. Then I would give them to my lords for the training missions.
I dont play that often but when I do its all about army collecting.

At the moment ive got like 25 dark knights and 6 black khergit horsemen as my army. Ive got a couple of slavers too but they suck. I like their names though.
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