Master Knight

- market saturation penalties for multiple enterprises of the same kind
1 enterprise - 0% penalty, 2 enterprises - 10%, 3 enterprises - 20% and so on
- if you serve a Catholic faction you have an option to go crusading
- bandit spawns spread around better, fixed a bug (oversight) where bandits would travel from wherever they were to their lairs, now only those within 200 units of the lair will go there
- map tweaks - mountains added in the Balkans, some more river crossings
- additional textures added, some native textures removed
- added a spiked club weapon like the one seen in Maciejowski pictures
- more challenging AI (hopefully), removed formations
- swing speed on axes increased
- kettle hats come in two flavours now, with arming cap or with coif
- changed the recruitment of Templars/Hospitallers/Teutonic knights, now if you're a member of the Teutonic Order you can recruit TO troops from any HRE settlement, if you're a member of the 'Crusader Kingdoms' every Catholic settlement will offer Templar, Hospitaller or generic troops, the choice is randomly generated, so if the recruitment option gives you generic troops but you want Templars just click again and again until you get the type you want
- added Havoc's bow retextures
- fixed faction colour selection menus
- if the Roman Empire of Nicaea captures Constantinople the faction name then becomes "The Roman Empire"
- Kosovo renamed Priština
- Ascaton renamed Ascalon
- fixed misordered faction insignia images
- food stores for towns and castles reduced
- town/castle garrisons will take losses when out of food and under siege, if you keep this up and speak to the commander they will eventually surrender, one option is you let them go (no loot you get the settlement), the other option is they surrender and become prisoners (loot and you get the settlement) but you will have to starve them more.
- the recruiter will now have an option to hire troops from either villages, towns or castles
- armenian knight added
- seljuk horseman added
- new troop tree for Granada and Marinids
working on - recruiters to have the option to recruit from castles/towns, then music and I also would love to include CounterPoint's boots with spurs too, possibly the remade shields....
that's it for now, for some reason I locked this too, fat fingers.
1 enterprise - 0% penalty, 2 enterprises - 10%, 3 enterprises - 20% and so on
- if you serve a Catholic faction you have an option to go crusading
- bandit spawns spread around better, fixed a bug (oversight) where bandits would travel from wherever they were to their lairs, now only those within 200 units of the lair will go there
- map tweaks - mountains added in the Balkans, some more river crossings
- additional textures added, some native textures removed
- added a spiked club weapon like the one seen in Maciejowski pictures
- more challenging AI (hopefully), removed formations
- swing speed on axes increased
- kettle hats come in two flavours now, with arming cap or with coif
- changed the recruitment of Templars/Hospitallers/Teutonic knights, now if you're a member of the Teutonic Order you can recruit TO troops from any HRE settlement, if you're a member of the 'Crusader Kingdoms' every Catholic settlement will offer Templar, Hospitaller or generic troops, the choice is randomly generated, so if the recruitment option gives you generic troops but you want Templars just click again and again until you get the type you want
- added Havoc's bow retextures
- fixed faction colour selection menus
- if the Roman Empire of Nicaea captures Constantinople the faction name then becomes "The Roman Empire"
- Kosovo renamed Priština
- Ascaton renamed Ascalon
- fixed misordered faction insignia images
- food stores for towns and castles reduced
- town/castle garrisons will take losses when out of food and under siege, if you keep this up and speak to the commander they will eventually surrender, one option is you let them go (no loot you get the settlement), the other option is they surrender and become prisoners (loot and you get the settlement) but you will have to starve them more.
- the recruiter will now have an option to hire troops from either villages, towns or castles
- armenian knight added
- seljuk horseman added
- new troop tree for Granada and Marinids
working on - recruiters to have the option to recruit from castles/towns, then music and I also would love to include CounterPoint's boots with spurs too, possibly the remade shields....
that's it for now, for some reason I locked this too, fat fingers.