Progress and Future Updates

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Is there somewhere on the site where I can find a list of what's currently being worked on and how it's coming along? It's been a while since the last update, and I don't even know what I have to look forward to when the next one arrives. Thanks.
Nah, are you some sort of administrator? I want the progress of this project recorded by the hour and I will fire lazy people!
Armagan i expect a report every ten minutes it should go something like this

10:10 Updated report
10:20 Updated Report, Ate Danish
10:30 Began working but had to make the report, fantasized about danish.
I'd just like to know what features are in the works so I can day-dream about them while I wait. A report every 10 minutes is extreme; you misunderstand me. I would be perfectly happy with an hourly report. And a danish.
I can wait for the next update, but I'm not sure for how long. I'm beginning to feel the update should be a pretty kickass one since we have to wait so long for it.

And I hope there won't be some major graphical changes that would make the game too heavy to work playable on my ancient PC

As I said, I can wait for the next update, but I have to admit that it's making me a bit frustrated that I don't get any info about the update itself. Atleast some estimate of the time it is published would be cool.
That's one of the classic risks a dev team takes when they open a forum discussing their game in development. On the one hand, it lets them get good feedback from players. On the other hand, players come to expect frequent updates, and they start getting antsy if they don't get them. Then they convince themselves that the devs have forgotten about them, and despair sets in.

Don't despair, just enjoy the game. Updates from any game's devs are a gift, not a right.
itll all be worth it when we get those mod tools....aww i can taste them now *drools*
BobG said:
Don't despair, just enjoy the game. Updates from any game's devs are a gift, not a right.

Normally, this is true, however since we purchased a Beta version of the game with updates promised upon purchase, it becomes my right to expect updates and no longer simply a privilage.

That said however, I will patiently wait for the next update. If however it takes several more months to complete, I will start to get as anxious as everyone else, definately.
Mordraneth said:
Normally, this is true, however since we purchased a Beta version of the game with updates promised upon purchase, it becomes my right to expect updates and no longer simply a privilage.
Sorry, I should have read what I was saying there. In my opinion, status updates on work in progress are a gift, not a right. Game updates are another matter -- we certainly have every reason to expect those. Of course, I'm not sure, since I'm lazy about reading user agreements, but I'm pretty sure that while paying the fee for this game entitles us to any game updates that do come out, there's no legally-implied guarantee that any updates actually will come out. That's something we just have to take on faith -- but if the devs suddenly decided to drop development on the game, we wouldn't get to ask for our money back.
A part of the webpage listing upcoming changes and things under development wouldn't hurt, I think. Shouldn't be too hard to manage, either.

The webpage for World of Warcraft does this pretty well, I think:
They mention upcoming additions in more detail (even though they're still just teasers, not previews) and things that might be developed further on is just mentioned very briefly, but mentioned nonetheless. I'm thinking a similar list (even if totalling only a few lines) would help keep M&B fans interested in the development, and looking forward to the next release. :smile:
That's not a bad idea. Even if it's just a sticky post on the forums, at least it would head off the "What are the devs working on now?" questions. Unfortunately, it probably wouldn't affect the "When do we get an update?" questions.
Probably not. But it would give the unwashed masses more concrete subjects to argue about.. :wink:
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