Problems with starting new kingdom

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Hi all, before I get to the gripe, I just want to say great mod, I've been enjoying it immensely. I don't think i can ever go back to native again. To all involved: many, many kudos

Okay, with that out of the way, let's get to the gripe. I started my first game as a mercenary for the empire and after a while backed their claimant. I crushed the illegitimate ruler (after many failed starts) and then after getting my fair share of the spoils I decided to strike out for myself and rebelled. And here comes the snag: instead of becoming the kingdom of pendor I reverted back to Empire Rebels and everytime I took a town or castle the claimant (who was by this time no longer in my party) asked me who I should give it to.

It got worse when I started getting vassals: their fiefs are marked kingdom of pendor, while my fiefs are still marked empire rebels. And now I've gotten an offer of vassalage from myself asking me to swear homage to myself! This is getting really weird and is ruining an otherwise very enjoyable gaming experience. Advice would be much appreciated.
Having been stung by this myself, the suggestion is as follows:

Before attempting to declare independence, ensure you are free of all oaths of vasselage, claimant support and mercenary contracts. Preferably avoid engaging in these activities at all.

For Saxondragon: Could you add a way for a player to talk to and swear allegiance to himself? There's an unclickable talk button on the player in the party window.
I deleted my save and started over. Things got really loopy when I restored my vow to the empire and the kingdom of pendor went to war with...itself. This time around i'm just going to take a castle and carve out my kingdom from scratch.
Boddah said:
...I started my first game as a mercenary for the empire and after a while backed their claimant. I crushed the illegitimate ruler (after many failed starts) and then after getting my fair share of the spoils I decided to strike out for myself and rebelled. And here comes the snag: instead of becoming the kingdom of pendor I reverted back to Empire Rebels and everytime I took a town or castle the claimant (who was by this time no longer in my party) asked me who I should give it to.

Hi Boddah,

This could be a bug from native, where choosing to take the path of 'backing a claimant to the throne' can lead to all sorts of strange game behaviour (like the one you described above).
I heard people mention similar problems from other mod forums too.

Good luck with your new game, you shouldn't have those problems this time around  :grin:
SCGavin said:
Boddah said:
And now I've gotten an offer of vassalage from myself asking me to swear homage to myself!

Did you get negative relations with yourself, when you refused?  :wink:

My relations say I'm fond of myself.

Srsly, tho, I've been running in to some of the problems the same
I had the same problem, but also, after I took on an empire vassel I was friendly with I captured another castle and it automatically converted his castle to me causing a huge relation loss.
Ruanur said:
Having been stung by this myself, the suggestion is as follows:

Before attempting to declare independence, ensure you are free of all oaths of vasselage, claimant support and mercenary contracts. Preferably avoid engaging in these activities at all.

I'm confused on this, and I turned off Save As for my game, so I want to get it right.

I have one castle and two villages.  I'm a vassal of the Empire.  I built a knighthood and pumped some money into buffing my Immortals.  I figure that about 100 buffed Immortals, plus supporting troops, could probably hold my castle against pretty much anything.  The D'Shar hate me, and for good reason.  The other kingdoms are neutral to mildly positive.

So suppose that I walk up to my ol' buddy Marius Imperator and ask him to release me from my oath of vassalage.  Or suppose that I take an enemy castle, ask for it, get denied, and renounce vassalage at that point. 

What happens to my villages and castle---and the troops in the castle?  What happens to my relations with the other kingdoms?

Or to ask it another way, what's the best way to move from vassal to king?
When you renounce your vassalage I believe you lose everything, so your best bet... start over and don't become a vassal!
OCelerid said:
When you renounce your vassalage I believe you lose everything, so your best bet... start over and don't become a vassal!

Starting over seems pretty extreme.  Instead it sounds like I should:

1) Buy lots of honor troops.  Sink spare cash into buffing them up.
2) Pack my personal group with all my best troops.
3) Dismiss all the other troops, so that the castle is unguarded.
4) Renounce vassalage.  Unguarded castle goes to the Empire.
5) Capture unguarded castle.
6) Establish kingdom.
7) Defend castle.

And from what I've read elsewhere in this forum, the castle should remain the same when I recapture it: The knight order will still be there, the improvement will still be there, and the chest contents will still be there.

This seems much more efficient than avoiding vassalage altogether.  I get to start my own kingdom with a giant pack of honor troops behind me.  The only risky part is seeing how serious the behavior problems are on siege defense with immortals classed as archers.
The other draw back is once you capture the castle and garrison it you've got little to nothing left, but thats typical. I guess the other issue is that you'll be at war with the Empire and D'Shar as I don't believe you're relations switch, but you can do what you're saying, then go buy peace with D'Shar before you reinvade it...
I'd wait.

Take as many castles/towns as the Imperator will grant you. Once he denies you, make the break and keep your holdings. Marius will undoubtedly attack you, but as you say, you have a good garrison and this will be a (relatively) easy means of thinning his armies.

100 buffed Immortals, maybe even less, will do the trick... provided you are there for the battle. Auto-resolve yields some unbelievably stupid results  :roll:

FritZ_FretZ said:
Take as many castles/towns as the Imperator will grant you. Once he denies you, make the break and keep your holdings.
I thought that we had just established that renouncing vassalage automatically reverts all your holdings back to the king, including the garrisons.  So there's no point in conquering more than one castle as a vassal, right?
Renouncing your oath upon a not-granted castle/town let you keep your holdings. Going to the king and canceling your vasselage through the dialgogue there leaves you with nothing.
Oh that was the other thing, I was suggesting starting over because buffing immortals... buffs everyone's immortals, so all the empire lords/caravans/garrisons and at least 1 unique spawn have some powerhouse troops... and in the case of the unique spawn *if you get him in your game* you'll serious regret buffing those guys!
Ok, i am facing the same problem. I try to set out on my own restoring Pendor and I end up as a rebel..I have gone ahead and relinquished the cities to a kingdom, but I still am having issues with setting up my own kingdom it keeps going to rebels.
you take a center, you'll be declared a rebel, however, you then go into the castle and find the senschal. You talk to him once for an introduction, you talk to him again, go to the diplomacy menu and choose to declare a kingdom. Wa-la.
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