Problems with Serial Key, i lost it however..

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I have two machines, i reformatted the one i like, with mount and blade on it and have lost the serial registeration key. I have mount and blade .703 on my other machine, which is fully registered. Is there a way to find my old registeration key in the M+B directory? also im not actually sure which email address i had M+B confirmation sent to me. Doh. i dont like playing M+B on this machine either lol, its got a crap Graphics card and is really slow.

Taleworlds Sales Policy Frequently Asked Questions said:
Q: What if I lose my serial key?
A: As long as the email address you used while purchasing Mount&Blade is still valid, you can recover your lost serial key from this page.

My advice would be to try one address and if that isn't the correct one, try the other. :smile:

Good luck and hope that helped,

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