Problem with sieging (allies leave too early or don't help at all)

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I was wondering if there was a fix or patch, or any tips regarding this?

I can only siege castles that allow me to build ladders (because they take 9 hours with my top engineer (5)), otherwise my allies don't bother waiting when i have to build a siege tower and run off.

When they do stick around, often times they don't help - my last siege of Praven I had 92 men, + 300 allies including King Graveth. My relationship with them was around 40, and 50 with the other lord, should be high enough.

When I siege the castle, neither of them help - i know this for sure because after the battle, their armies are intact! This is really frustrating to me, i can't tell if I'm doing something wrong, it's really not obvious to me. I honestly can't remember if in the past, sieges i've initiated have had help from other Lords, usually i take over castles that I can solo, because the Lords just generally are a pain to get to follow me.

Any ideas are appreciated!
No, burgess, they do run off.

It's happened to me before. they see a caravan or something then **** themselvs and run.

The best thing to do is wait.

they normally come back.

You just have to hope a bigger party doesn't come to you while they're away.
I've had the problem where I've had a lord follow me to an enemy castle.  We get there I start building ladders/towers and he never joins my side (he didn't run off) :S.  So I end up fighting the siege alone .  This happened when I wasn't marshal.
Yes the problem i'm having is what ATI describes, i get them to follow me, they sit at the castle while I build ladders, but never join the actual siege battle.

This doesn't always happen, i know i've had ally help in siege before, but the last time i did it i had 3 lords follow me, and not 1 join the siege. This is what confuses me, does it have anything to do with my relation with them, i can't say for sure, was wondering if someone knew?

p.s. the other issue i have is that siege towers take 60 hours for my top engineer skill to build, and lords never stay that long!
Yeah, a similar thing happened to me. I had about 4 lords following me, but one of them I had negative relations with and he never joined the siege though the other 3 did, so I figured relations is important. This was when I was marshal though, so I don't know if it's the same for when you aren't...
Sounds like i should become a marshal, just seemed logical to me that lords in good relation to me, would join the siege, i mean we're fighting on the same side and all that :wink:
I wonder if i messed up the game when i touched scripts.txt - i mean i don't have exact stats, but the 3-4 castle sieges where i have some lords follow me, they don't siege the castle with me, so i've been doing it myself :wink:
I believe it's like this:
If you're not the marshall, they will follow you if you have good enough relations, and will help you in land battles, but won't help the sieges.
If you are the marshall, they will help sieges too.

In both cases they will have an ADD episode whenever they see a caravan or alike. Therefore, the best advice I can give you is:
Get high spotting+pathfinding skills so you can locate and outmanouver any caravans and smaller enemy troops, chasing them away yourself if appropriate (do it so your lords can't see them at all, which should be doable since they have the stock visibility range)
Get as many lords as you can on the way to follow you, even if most of them go there should probably be enough left. (do it manually though, the automatic "summon all" doesn't work that well, usually 3 or less lords actually show up)

It doesn't seem to be an easily fixable problem anyways. You'd have to dig in deep into the AI scripts.
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