SP - General Problem with prosperity and food

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Currently city (and castle) prosperity is tightly tied to the food availability, which is kinda realistic, BUT causes gameplay problems in the long run.
Prosperity od a city is limited by it's food supply. The city will grow in prosperity as long as there is food. Higher prosperity consumes more food per day. Thus, food supply acts as a soft cap for prosperity, which is fine at first glance.
The moment food consumption surpasses food suply food storage starts to dwindle. Usually, in average city, most of the food consuption is due to prosperity. As food storage starts to dwindle it will soon hit zero. Then garrison starts to die. Prosperity will slowly diminish, but not fast enough- the garrison will die off before citiy's food supply comes into equilibrium. This is especially noticeable in border cities, whose villages get raided often. Those cities hit 0 prosperity in the late game and can never recover. They can't support a decent garrison and they constantly change ownership.
Even in player owned cities, prosperity growth will quickly cause negative food supply, and since you can not limit prosperity manually, your garrison will start to die. It essentially means that at one point of a city's lifecycle there comes a moment when garrison's lives will be slowly exchanged for that last few points of prosperity and the city will be left vulnerable. What's even worse, there's no cure for that. You can't prevent it.

Maybe one solution would be to always reserve a necessary portion of daily food supply for the garrison and than use the remaining food supply for the prosperity calculation. Then, if the total food supply is negative, because of prosperity, food reserves would still be drained, but garrison would always get it's daily food requirement, as long as it's available.
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