Problem with latest update

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I am trying to apply the most recent update and I accidentally downloaded the full game and tried to install that first. It downloaded fine then I tried to install it and it ran into a problem... I was assuming it was because I already had the game on my computer and maybe I was trying to install it into the same spot...?
Anyways, then I downloaded the update and it downloaded fine, but it had a problem installing too... some sort of error when trying to write (or open a file for writing) a file.
Any suggestions? Help please. Thanks. Adios.
Alright, so I just retried downloading the upgrade patch and it worked this time when installing. Maybe it downloaded funny or got messed up earlier and/or maybe I cleared my downloads/that download so this time it worked... I'm not really sure, but it worked this time. Please, have a good life and all everyone! Thanks. Adios!
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