Problem with full faced helmets

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I have downloaded some OSP helmets which I have successfully implemented into my own mod, where I messed around with making new companions which went great apart from one thing.

One of the helmets is a full faced helmet with blacked out eye hole slots, so you shouldn't be able to see any of the face, however, the companions eyes and nose poke out of the helmet, making it look really silly. Is there a method to making the helmet encase around the head?

Thanks in advance!
Does your mod use new face meshes? If so, and you're using the new faces with helmets that were designed for vanilla faces, then there's your problem. Your best bet is to slightly adjust the helmets in blender (or something similar).

Don't forget, you can use openbrf's "mount on bone", and combo viewing tools to check out your characters in a basic way without actually loading the game.
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