Problem with "fetch me" quests

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I noticed about half of the quests i get from my nation's king/count are impossible.
For example i was around level 14 with about 1000 dinnars and lord asks me to fetch him 3 black (!) armors.

My suggestion is :
Quests that require more than twice your current money, won't be offered - instead a feasable quest would be offered.
I can't think of anything else since you can't refuse a lord's quest (not in the game, and not in reality)
Skanky, try playing with realistic saving :razz:

Ye the 12 charger quest is a killer, especially when you're riding a sumpter horse, makes no sense :razz:
The annoying part is i usually get those quests on my favorite cities (since i usually go to them for quests) and then i have abandon my favorite hanging places for the next 5-10 levels :sad:
They are assholes, so it makes sense that they put a weakling to get a dozen chargers, (while they laugh into their beards).
if a lord asks for like coarse tunics. do they have to be coarse tunics exactly? or can they be ragged, tatterd.
if a lord asks for like coarse tunics. do they have to be coarse tunics exactly?
You can bring them this item in any shape, and they will also pay accordingly.

Quests really need to have a level range requirement.
I agree, but i think it won't be enough for the fetch me quests, because some people get good money on early levels, and some have little money even on late levels.
They are missions, and when I come across an impossible mission I just get a different one from some other noble dude who isn't so nuts. And when I run out of options I just run poor Buttercup off of a cliff and start a new game. Buttercup is the name of my now dead horse. I didn't really die I was just pretending to be dead.
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