Problem updating mod

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Hi guys, first off all i can say is wow, this is an awesome mod! But for some reason every time i try to patch it all it does is extract a folder with "Pop v 2.01" or "Pop v 2.02" to the pop directory in the mod folder and doesn't overwrite anything so doesn't change the game. What am i doing wrong?

Thanks All

NicktheKnight said:
Hi guys, first off all i can say is wow, this is an awesome mod! But for some reason every time i try to patch it all it does is extract a folder with "Pop v 2.01" or "Pop v 2.02" to the pop directory in the mod folder and doesn't overwrite anything so doesn't change the game. What am i doing wrong?

Thanks All


You'll want to take the files inside the 'Patch' folders (I assume they don't literally say "Pop v 2.01" or "Pop v 2.02" or you have the wrong downloads) and extract those files INTO your Prophesy of Pendor folder.  I can be more step-by-step if you tell me what you're using to extract (or if you just use your OS to open the zip files.)
Hi, my thanks for your speedy reply. Sorry i did not get back sooner as i have been at work. No it does not litterally say "Pop" it has the full title. I use winrar, a step by step would be cool.


NicktheKnight said:
Hi, my thanks for your speedy reply. Sorry i did not get back sooner as i have been at work. No it does not litterally say "Pop" it has the full title. I use winrar, a step by step would be cool.



Assuming you have 2.0 installed, download the patch to 2.02 to your desktop and do the following:

Open a window INTO your Prophesy of Pendor 2.0 folder.  You should see the Resources, Textures, etc. folders
If the window is maximized, resize it so your desktop is visible where the patch is.
Open the 2.02 patch file with WinRAR.
INSIDE WinRAR, double click into the Prophesy of Pendor 2.02 Patch folder.
You should see the Sounds, Textures folders and a bunch of text files.
Go to File / Select All (or use CTRL-A).
Click and drag the highlighted files (any one should work, but don't just click once, or it will unhighlight them) into your Prophesy of Pendor 2.0 folder.

Say Yes to All when it asks you to overwrite files.  If it doesn't ask, something wasn't right, so try again.
When it is done copying, a large portion, but not all of the files in the Prophesy of Pendor window (the one with the Resources folder) should be highlighted.

Close both the window and the WinRAR instance and you're good to launch the game.  Remember, not save game compatible.
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