Prisoners and slaves

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Sorry if this is discussed elsewhere, but what are the long-term plans for prisoners and slaves?

For example will there be faction or unexpected attacks if I try to sell prisoners to the salt mine ("the mines! that's a death sentence!"). Can I turn them over to my leige lord to earn promotion, put them to work on my own estate, press them into training to become home guards or even additional platoons? Can I assign my hero to conduct a slave caravan and escort them back myself?

There are so many great game uses for them I hate to just treat them as walking loot to be sold.
There's been discussion about this before and I agree whole-heartedly, right now they're a wasted opportunity. I don't think there's been any official comment on the topic yet, though.
Plus, what's the deal with only 100 denars for everybody whether Dark Knight or river pirate? Surely, some captives must be more valuable for craftsmen, cartwrights, mercs, etc.
Yeah, there should be an illicit arena where you can sell the hard case fighters for big money. A Dark Knight gladiator should be worth some cash.
What I think would be kinda neat would be if you could own your OWN slaves and use them to fight in special arena matches, a sort of 'virtual pet gladiator' thing.
You could equip them similarly to Marnid and Borcha, then fight them against other slave-fighters and so on.
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