Prison break in Tulga broken-Lord I'm rescuing is hostile in combat

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It is impossible for me to complete a rescue mission in Tulga because when the captive lord spawns in the town he is hostile to me.  I knock out all the guards, but the scene does not end because one hostile is left.  If I knock out the lord, the scene ends and the escape fails because he was knocked out. 

Is there a way to fix this?  Or a way to work around?
Also, letting him knock me out doesn't work either, obviously. 
The count is hostile to the guards as well as to me.
I have a relationship of 13 with the Town if that makes any difference, and the faction is not hostile to me (I'm still an independent knight).  I've tried both at night and during the day. 
I had this some times, but if I just exited the prison and moved away from him before he could hit me it proceeded as normal. Another thing that worked was to tell him to grab a sword and fight, but that meant I had to babysit a bit though if you wait to make the prison break until his health is 100% it may be easier. Don't know if any of this will help.
I've tried many times and usually he doesnt hit me, but no improvement.  This is the first time I've done a jailbreak from a Town rather than a there just something wrong with the script for the mission in that location (Tulga)?  Maybe in all towns as opposed to castles where noble prisoners can be kept? 

Also, I don't see any way of failing or abandoning the quest (since a failed jailbreak doesn't result in failure of the quest).  So I won't be able to get any other rescue mission for 28 more days (seems it never gives you more than one mission of the same type...they should fix that to, though it might be as designed it really restricts your options in what jobs you can do) 

Super lame!
Aha!  Tried one more time and it finally worked!

What did I do differently?

I think it was that this time I didn't draw my weapon right away when coming out of the prison.  I ran away and then waited for him to engage the guards before pulling out my weapon and running in to rescue him. 

After testing a bit more I'm no longer convinced that doing anything specific triggers this bug or prevents it. 
I think it might have just been the fact that I quit and restarted my game that caused it to go away. 
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