+Previous+ Notable Characters Submission and Listing -- [Under Construction]

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[Under Construction]

All highborn notables need to fill out a character factsheet before their clan's registration can be confirmed.

The character factsheet is found here:

Most of it should be self explanatory. Note that players can be male or female but that all NPC's are female.

The only potentially confusing bit (and the only bit that has defined gameplay effects) is the family relations section. This will be defined in detail in the Rules section but here is an overview:

Outside of diplomacy/ role-play there are two ways in which this can be important.
[list type=decimal]
[*]As there is permadeath for Notables, your heir will inherit your land and control of your armies. Your eldest child, or the husband of your eldest child (if female), is automatically your heir. Note that an unmarried female can not inherit land (thus preventing a NPC from ever owning territory).
[*]Armies under your command are prevented from attacking the fortress(es) of a lord who controls one of your "first-tier" NPC relatives (i.e. wife, sister, daughter, mother).

As always, feel free to ask questions here or by PM.
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