SP Native Pre-Battle Orders & Deployment (v0.96.3 for Warband 1143+WSE)-patch for 115x

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Ussaid said:
No version for the latest M&B updated?
That's a shame!

You can download this 'patch' so it works. But I believe you actually still play the old version of M&B.

That's great because now I can't play on my save because it doesn't work with the old version. -.-
So is there a download for this...whatever it is...anywhere on the forums...that doesn't require joining something else to get it. Sounds great. Looks great. But I won't know until I get it itno my mod.
dagg929 said:
Record battle size in options - this is set to 30 for me. Does this mean I'll never have more than 30v30 in a fight now?

No, 30 total, so 15v15 or 20v10 or something like that. If you hit the esc key and go to main menu and from there to options (the options for the game, not the mod) you can set the battlesize to whatever up to 150. 150 is the max unless you have a mod called Battlesizer (or a mod that includes it).

After you set the battlesize to what you want in the game options, you go to the mod options (in the camp menu) and there you "record the battlesize" by entering the number you chose (when you set the battlesize in game options).

However, in the latest version of PBOD you don't have to do this. So if there is no option to record the battlesize, don't worry about it. If there is, then simply record it.
Hi, just started using this mod as part of Diplomacy Compilation 4.1. I'm building a force of spearmen to fight Khergit cavalry with...I ran into a group of 46 Khergit lancers (I had ~60 rhodok trained spearmen). I told them to form a line and brace spears, which they did, but they did nothing to the lancers. All 60 of them went down without unhorsing a single lancer, let alone taking one out. I have the AI fixes and increased spear/trample damage on...is something wrong?
Demonhunter04 said:
Hi, just started using this mod as part of Diplomacy Compilation 4.1. I'm building a force of spearmen to fight Khergit cavalry with...I ran into a group of 46 Khergit lancers (I had ~60 rhodok trained spearmen). I told them to form a line and brace spears, which they did, but they did nothing to the lancers. All 60 of them went down without unhorsing a single lancer, let alone taking one out. I have the AI fixes and increased spear/trample damage on...is something wrong?

Could be that they simply don't have long enough spears/polearms.  Or the feature just doesn't work as intended.  In any case, when you feel Native has gotten too easy, try Prophesy of Pendor.
Nikomakkos said:
Demonhunter04 said:
Hi, just started using this mod as part of Diplomacy Compilation 4.1. I'm building a force of spearmen to fight Khergit cavalry with...I ran into a group of 46 Khergit lancers (I had ~60 rhodok trained spearmen). I told them to form a line and brace spears, which they did, but they did nothing to the lancers. All 60 of them went down without unhorsing a single lancer, let alone taking one out. I have the AI fixes and increased spear/trample damage on...is something wrong?

Could be that they simply don't have long enough spears/polearms.  Or the feature just doesn't work as intended.  In any case, when you feel Native has gotten too easy, try Prophesy of Pendor.

245 reach pikes :sad:

I'm hoping that bringing them up to veteran spearmen/sergeants does the trick.

I'll get around to PoP someday lol.

Edit: Using the method in the wiki - lining them up, spreading them out twice, and then charging when the cavalry are a few seconds away - proved to be very effective. I guess it doesn't matter that the spear brace doesn't work in battle time then, since the other method works better anyway.
Well it makes the game unplayable if you have updated to 1.154 cause of WSE not supporting this version. And since i play with steam i can't play in 1.153.

It says there is a version without WSE in second post but actually except really old versions it's always bundled with WSE ...
I'm trying to merge the latest version with the last floris mod pack version.. (i'm using modmerger kit)

I'm getting these errors, when I'm trying to compile it:



What can I do to fix this?

# Prebattle Orders & Deployment by Caba'drin
## v0.96.2
## 25 March 2012

from header_operations import *
from header_triggers import *
#from module_constants import *

FireArrow_triggers = [
 (ti_on_init_missile, [
    (set_position_delta, 0, 100, 0), #change this to move the particle system's local position
    (particle_system_add_new, "psys_arrow_fire"),
    (particle_system_add_new, "psys_arrow_smoke"),
    (particle_system_add_new, "psys_arrow_fire_sparks"),
    (set_current_color,150, 130, 70),
    (add_point_light, 10, 30),
 # (ti_on_init_item, [
    # (set_position_delta, 0, 100, 0), #change this to move the particle system's local position
    # (particle_system_add_new, "psys_arrow_fire"),
    # (particle_system_add_new, "psys_arrow_smoke"),
    # (particle_system_add_new, "psys_arrow_fire_sparks"),
    # (set_current_color,150, 130, 70),
    # (add_point_light, 10, 30),
   # ]),
  (ti_on_missile_hit, [
	(set_position_delta, 0, 100, -300), 
    (particle_system_burst,"psys_arrow_fire", 1, 20),
	(particle_system_burst,"psys_arrow_smoke", 1, 30),
	(particle_system_burst,"psys_arrow_fire_sparks", 1, 15),
	(set_current_color,150, 130, 70),
  # (ti_on_missile_dive, [
    # (set_position_delta, 0, 100, -200), 
	# (particle_system_burst,"psys_arrow_smoke", 0, 20),
	# (set_current_color,150, 130, 70),
	# (particle_system_remove, "psys_arrow_fire"),
	# (particle_system_remove, "psys_arrow_fire_sparks"),
   # ]),

from header_items import *
from util_wrappers import *
from copy import deepcopy
def modmerge(var_set):
		var_name_1 = "items"
		orig_items = var_set[var_name_1]
		# arrows_begin = 0
		add_item = deepcopy(orig_items)
		for i in range(1,len(orig_items)):
			itm_flags = add_item[i][3]
			type = itm_flags & 0x000000ff
			#type = orig_items[i][3] & 0x000000ff
			if type == itp_type_arrows and "tutorial" not in orig_items[i][0] and "practice" not in orig_items[i][0]: 
				mesh_list = ItemWrapper(add_item[i]).GetMeshList()
				for n in range(0, len(mesh_list)):
					if mesh_list[n][1] == ixmesh_flying_ammo: mesh_list[n] = ("fire_arrow_flying_missile", ixmesh_flying_ammo)
				# if arrows_begin == 0:
					# arrows_begin = i
				# arrows_end = i
				add_item[i][0] = add_item[i][0]+'_fire'
				add_item[i][3] = itm_flags & ~itp_merchandise & ~itp_default_ammo | itp_no_pick_up_from_ground		#disallow from merch list/default status, make not pickup-able
				dmg = get_thrust_damage(add_item[i][6]) % 256
				add_item[i][6] = add_item[i][6] & ~(ibf_damage_mask << iwf_thrust_damage_bits) #erase damage
				dmg += 8                                                                      #increase damage by 8 (5, 3 are taken away by 'bent' bow)
				add_item[i][6] = add_item[i][6] | thrust_damage(dmg, pierce)                   #write increase damage
				#orig_items.insert((len(orig_items)-1), add_item[i])   ##do I really want them before 'end items' ?
	except KeyError:
		errstring = "Variable set does not contain expected variable: \"%s\"." % var_name_1
		raise ValueError(errstring)
	#return arrows_begin, arrows_end

## Prebattle Orders & Deployment by Caba'drin
## v0.96
## 13 March 2012

from header_particle_systems import *
psys = [
    ("arrow_fire", psf_billboard_3d|psf_global_emit_dir|psf_always_emit|psf_randomize_size|psf_randomize_rotation, "prt_mesh_fire_1",
     100, 0.35, 0.2, 0.03, 10.0, 10.0,     #num_particles, life, damping, gravity_strength, turbulance_size, turbulance_strength
     (0.5, 0.8), (1, 0),        #alpha keys
     (0.5, 1.0), (1, 0.9),      #red keys
     (0.5, 0.7),(1, 0.3),       #green keys
     (0.5, 0.2), (1, 0.0),      #blue keys
     (0, 0.15),   (0.4, 0.3),   #scale keys
     (0.04, 0.04, 0.01),      #emit box size
     (0, 0, 0.5),               #emit velocity
     0.0,                       #emit dir randomness
     200,                       #rotation speed
     0.5                        #rotation damping
    ("arrow_smoke", psf_billboard_3d|psf_global_emit_dir|psf_always_emit, "prtcl_dust_a",
     75, 1.5, 0.2, -0.2, 10.0, 0.1,     #num_particles, life, damping, gravity_strength, turbulance_size, turbulance_strength
     (0.5, 0.25), (1, 0),       #alpha keys
     (0.0, 0.2), (1, 0.1),      #red keys
     (0.0, 0.2),(1, 0.09),      #green keys
     (0.0, 0.2), (1, 0.08),     #blue keys
     (0, 0.5),   (0.8, 2.5),    #scale keys
     (0.1, 0.1, 0.1),           #emit box size
     (0, 0, 1.5),               #emit velocity
     0.1                        #emit dir randomness
    ("arrow_fire_sparks", psf_billboard_3d|psf_global_emit_dir|psf_always_emit|psf_randomize_size,  "prt_sparks_mesh_1",
     30, 1.5, 0.2, 0, 10.0, 0.02,     #num_particles, life, damping, gravity_strength, turbulance_size, turbulance_strength
     (0.66, 1), (1, 0),          #alpha keys
     (0.1, 0.7), (1, 0.7),      #red keys
     (0.1, 0.5),(1, 0.5),       #green keys
     (0.1, 0.1), (1, 0.1),      #blue keys
     (0.1, 0.05),   (1, 0.05),  #scale keys
     (0.1, 0.1, 0.1),           #emit box size
     (0, 0, 0.9),               #emit velocity
     0.0,                       #emit dir randomness

from util_common import *
		# Used by modmerger framework version >= 200 to merge stuff
def modmerge(var_set):
        var_name_1 = "particle_systems"
        orig_psys = var_set[var_name_1]
        add_objects(orig_psys, psys, True)	#add_presentations doesn't work
    except KeyError:
        errstring = "Variable set does not contain expected variable: \"%s\"." % var_name_1
        raise ValueError(errstring)

I can't paste pbod_scripts.py code here, since it's 141 kb in size
Hi, after using the ModMerger Kit (0.95.7) to merge it to my mod, i get this error, I'm using the module sistem 1.158

Can anyone help? I tried removing any reference to the xbox in the file, but awkwadly i can't choose a banner then, so it isn't a solution either...
This mod doesn't run (well) on 1.158 or is it just me ? I've been getting wrong bandit lair scenarios and pre-battle conversation takes place inside a house (we're setting a battle in an open field)... Is this mod getting updated ?
The biggest problem with Warband modding for me is that new official patches render many of our old mods incompatible until they get updated. I don't want to have to play an older version of Warband just to get this working, because the new patches did add some cool stuff and fix some bugs (like the random slowdowns in some scenes). And I'm not sure I trust an unofficial patch to be bug free, especially since there's been at least 5 new official patches since the unofficial 1.15x patch came out.

That said, I wonder how difficult it would be to implement the non-WSE version into the 1.158 Module System.
hello can someone help please? i downloaded this and followed the instructions on how to play my aved game on dipomacy. but when i try to load my save game, there's this message "incoplete ver 1" just underneath my save game name, and it won't let me load it. what did i do wrong? :s
also i find it very weird that the installer says im running v1.158 of warband, but when i play, it says on the start screen that im running v1.143
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