Ussaid said:No version for the latest M&B updated?
That's a shame!
dagg929 said:Record battle size in options - this is set to 30 for me. Does this mean I'll never have more than 30v30 in a fight now?
Demonhunter04 said:Hi, just started using this mod as part of Diplomacy Compilation 4.1. I'm building a force of spearmen to fight Khergit cavalry with...I ran into a group of 46 Khergit lancers (I had ~60 rhodok trained spearmen). I told them to form a line and brace spears, which they did, but they did nothing to the lancers. All 60 of them went down without unhorsing a single lancer, let alone taking one out. I have the AI fixes and increased spear/trample damage something wrong?
Nikomakkos said:Demonhunter04 said:Hi, just started using this mod as part of Diplomacy Compilation 4.1. I'm building a force of spearmen to fight Khergit cavalry with...I ran into a group of 46 Khergit lancers (I had ~60 rhodok trained spearmen). I told them to form a line and brace spears, which they did, but they did nothing to the lancers. All 60 of them went down without unhorsing a single lancer, let alone taking one out. I have the AI fixes and increased spear/trample damage something wrong?
Could be that they simply don't have long enough spears/polearms. Or the feature just doesn't work as intended. In any case, when you feel Native has gotten too easy, try Prophesy of Pendor.
# Prebattle Orders & Deployment by Caba'drin
## v0.96.2
## 25 March 2012
from header_operations import *
from header_triggers import *
#from module_constants import *
FireArrow_triggers = [
(ti_on_init_missile, [
(set_position_delta, 0, 100, 0), #change this to move the particle system's local position
(particle_system_add_new, "psys_arrow_fire"),
(particle_system_add_new, "psys_arrow_smoke"),
(particle_system_add_new, "psys_arrow_fire_sparks"),
(set_current_color,150, 130, 70),
(add_point_light, 10, 30),
# (ti_on_init_item, [
# (set_position_delta, 0, 100, 0), #change this to move the particle system's local position
# (particle_system_add_new, "psys_arrow_fire"),
# (particle_system_add_new, "psys_arrow_smoke"),
# (particle_system_add_new, "psys_arrow_fire_sparks"),
# (set_current_color,150, 130, 70),
# (add_point_light, 10, 30),
# ]),
(ti_on_missile_hit, [
(set_position_delta, 0, 100, -300),
(particle_system_burst,"psys_arrow_fire", 1, 20),
(particle_system_burst,"psys_arrow_smoke", 1, 30),
(particle_system_burst,"psys_arrow_fire_sparks", 1, 15),
(set_current_color,150, 130, 70),
# (ti_on_missile_dive, [
# (set_position_delta, 0, 100, -200),
# (particle_system_burst,"psys_arrow_smoke", 0, 20),
# (set_current_color,150, 130, 70),
# (particle_system_remove, "psys_arrow_fire"),
# (particle_system_remove, "psys_arrow_fire_sparks"),
# ]),
from header_items import *
from util_wrappers import *
from copy import deepcopy
def modmerge(var_set):
var_name_1 = "items"
orig_items = var_set[var_name_1]
# arrows_begin = 0
add_item = deepcopy(orig_items)
for i in range(1,len(orig_items)):
itm_flags = add_item[i][3]
type = itm_flags & 0x000000ff
#type = orig_items[i][3] & 0x000000ff
if type == itp_type_arrows and "tutorial" not in orig_items[i][0] and "practice" not in orig_items[i][0]:
mesh_list = ItemWrapper(add_item[i]).GetMeshList()
for n in range(0, len(mesh_list)):
if mesh_list[n][1] == ixmesh_flying_ammo: mesh_list[n] = ("fire_arrow_flying_missile", ixmesh_flying_ammo)
# if arrows_begin == 0:
# arrows_begin = i
# arrows_end = i
add_item[i][0] = add_item[i][0]+'_fire'
add_item[i][3] = itm_flags & ~itp_merchandise & ~itp_default_ammo | itp_no_pick_up_from_ground #disallow from merch list/default status, make not pickup-able
dmg = get_thrust_damage(add_item[i][6]) % 256
add_item[i][6] = add_item[i][6] & ~(ibf_damage_mask << iwf_thrust_damage_bits) #erase damage
dmg += 8 #increase damage by 8 (5, 3 are taken away by 'bent' bow)
add_item[i][6] = add_item[i][6] | thrust_damage(dmg, pierce) #write increase damage
#orig_items.insert((len(orig_items)-1), add_item[i]) ##do I really want them before 'end items' ?
except KeyError:
errstring = "Variable set does not contain expected variable: \"%s\"." % var_name_1
raise ValueError(errstring)
#return arrows_begin, arrows_end
## Prebattle Orders & Deployment by Caba'drin
## v0.96
## 13 March 2012
from header_particle_systems import *
psys = [
("arrow_fire", psf_billboard_3d|psf_global_emit_dir|psf_always_emit|psf_randomize_size|psf_randomize_rotation, "prt_mesh_fire_1",
100, 0.35, 0.2, 0.03, 10.0, 10.0, #num_particles, life, damping, gravity_strength, turbulance_size, turbulance_strength
(0.5, 0.8), (1, 0), #alpha keys
(0.5, 1.0), (1, 0.9), #red keys
(0.5, 0.7),(1, 0.3), #green keys
(0.5, 0.2), (1, 0.0), #blue keys
(0, 0.15), (0.4, 0.3), #scale keys
(0.04, 0.04, 0.01), #emit box size
(0, 0, 0.5), #emit velocity
0.0, #emit dir randomness
200, #rotation speed
0.5 #rotation damping
("arrow_smoke", psf_billboard_3d|psf_global_emit_dir|psf_always_emit, "prtcl_dust_a",
75, 1.5, 0.2, -0.2, 10.0, 0.1, #num_particles, life, damping, gravity_strength, turbulance_size, turbulance_strength
(0.5, 0.25), (1, 0), #alpha keys
(0.0, 0.2), (1, 0.1), #red keys
(0.0, 0.2),(1, 0.09), #green keys
(0.0, 0.2), (1, 0.08), #blue keys
(0, 0.5), (0.8, 2.5), #scale keys
(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), #emit box size
(0, 0, 1.5), #emit velocity
0.1 #emit dir randomness
("arrow_fire_sparks", psf_billboard_3d|psf_global_emit_dir|psf_always_emit|psf_randomize_size, "prt_sparks_mesh_1",
30, 1.5, 0.2, 0, 10.0, 0.02, #num_particles, life, damping, gravity_strength, turbulance_size, turbulance_strength
(0.66, 1), (1, 0), #alpha keys
(0.1, 0.7), (1, 0.7), #red keys
(0.1, 0.5),(1, 0.5), #green keys
(0.1, 0.1), (1, 0.1), #blue keys
(0.1, 0.05), (1, 0.05), #scale keys
(0.1, 0.1, 0.1), #emit box size
(0, 0, 0.9), #emit velocity
0.0, #emit dir randomness
from util_common import *
# Used by modmerger framework version >= 200 to merge stuff
def modmerge(var_set):
var_name_1 = "particle_systems"
orig_psys = var_set[var_name_1]
add_objects(orig_psys, psys, True) #add_presentations doesn't work
except KeyError:
errstring = "Variable set does not contain expected variable: \"%s\"." % var_name_1
raise ValueError(errstring)