Possibly? The & isn't a problem in Windows 7. I'm not sure what OS you're running...but if it works, it worksdHErblay said:I haven't move any weird file. For some reason I must remove the & in the main folder name, can it be this ?
Possibly? The & isn't a problem in Windows 7. I'm not sure what OS you're running...but if it works, it worksdHErblay said:I haven't move any weird file. For some reason I must remove the & in the main folder name, can it be this ?
If it is in your <WFaS installation folder>\Modules\PreBattle O&D\ there shouldn't be a reason that it doesn't show up in the launcher (your install folder would default at C:\Program Files (x86)\Mount&Blade With Fire and Sword\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\mount&blade with fire and sword\ if you have Steam and the installer should find either). Depending on your OS, perhaps you need to remove the ampersand '&' ...but until dHErblay, I've not had anyone mention that before and the mod's been released and installing to the same folder for almost a year and a half.soaringcheetah said:I can't find the option to select it in my main menu, it looks just like the default. I checked to make sure it was installed in the right folder.
What are you trying to change with Morgh's?chaos marine said:Any changes i make using Morghs editor dont appear in game. Any reason why?![]()
chaos marine said:I was trying to edit troop equipment and i have checked to make sure i have the right module several times, it should be C:\Program Files (x86)\Mount&Blade Warband\Modules\PreBattle O&D\ right?
The mod's primary thread is within the Carvanserai (Warband released mods), specifically here.chaos marine said:no, I'm using Warband, and i did not realize that this was the WFaS board.
With the kit that is included in this download? I haven't got any errors compiling with the kit that you should find in the download from this thread...it is the same kit I used when creating the playable download. Might you post what error you were getting?Seek n Destroy said:Hey thanks for porting your mod to WFaS Caba'Drin!
Just noticed a bug when using the mod merger kit, it adds a trigger in mission_templates that doesn't seems to belong to WFaS, I'm talking of the tournaments triggers. They caused compiling errors and removing it fixed my problem.
Just noticing it here for people that could have the same problem
You can take your save from Native and use it with this module.Aurora_Alexi said:OkayWell thank you, and can I just put this in my original Native module or can I take my save game from my original Native in put in it in this module?
No idea why that would be. Will look into, but there might not be anything to do about it if WFaS somehow messed up the mount-dismount order processing.Wranger said:1) When I give my companions a Dismount command in Tactics, they do so in the battle, but then most of them immediately mount up again.
This might be due to the difference between Warband and WFaS orders--it should give the order to switch to melee weapons, not use ranged weapons (a la Warband). Can look into refining this for WFaS after I've reworked this screen in general for Warband.Wranger said:2) The Hold Fire command in Tactics, doesn't work on any unit. Everyone just starts shooting like mad as usual when battle starts. Shouldn't this serve the same function as giving a "Fire At My Command" command?
Try hitting F9 or F10 if you are dealing with one of the expanded order screens. That will close it--unfortunately without the Warband Script Enhancer I cannot directly control the order screens to prevent this from happening.Wranger said:I've also noticed that hitting Escape while you're in combat, and have the command window open, that is, the box that shows all the F1, F2, F3, etc. commands, Escape should close that, but instead it brings up the game menu.
This is to activate the extra orders I've added. Again, without the Warband Script Enhancer there isn't a clean way to prevent this, unfortunately.Wranger said:Also, while the strategy window is up during combat (the one with the minimap), selecting a group with the number keys automatically closes the strategy window, and opens up the command menu.