Post your dream teams

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Infantry / shCOCK Inf (4): 4 random people on TDM with all 2h's
Archers (2): 2 cancer archers from TDM running as soon as someone comes within 10 meters from them
Cavalry (2): 2 cav players on tdm who's left mouse button is broken and they are stuck to using the couch button.
Infantry / shCOCK Inf (4): Nub Puppies, OE Vorn, Yoshie, Daemon
Archers (2): Nub Puppies, OE Vorn, Yoshie, Daemon
Cavalry (2): Nub Puppies, OE Vorn, Yoshie, Daemon
Team: "Turns server off or DDOS you if loosing":
Inf: NIN3, Argentum, Obelix, Gotha, Varadin
Archer: Marda
Cav: Arni, Callum
my dream team is
infantry - nopanda, nopanda, nopanda
archer - nopanda
cavalry - nopanda, nopanda
I think this team would be more useful working at NASA to uncover the universe's secret with how much combined intelligence it has. It would be a waste to have them playing BL
dream team with all my smurf aliases
inf: Etonviper, Goomba, Cav Killa 69
archer: Big Mommy Milkers, Medium Dunkies Iced *****ie
Cav: BobbyBigBalls
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